The beggining

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In the morning, David recounted the strange occurrence to his group of friends. To his surprise, Lukas informed him that he found the book on his desk, even though he had never taken it home. The group decided to meet in front of their school at the end of the day.

Rayan asked, "What's going on? Why are you gathering us here, David?"

David replied, "Something strange happened, and I couldn't explain it. I want you guys to tell me what you would have done if you were in my place."

Julia interjected, "Stop with the speech and tell us already."

David continued, "As you all know, I'm the one who kept the weird book that the man in the forest gave us. Yesterday, when I came back home, I placed it on my desk like I do with all my other books. Everything was fine until this morning when the book was..."

Lukas interrupted, "In my home, on my desk..."

Julia exclaimed, "Wait, what?"

Rayan added, "I hope this is one of your jokes because it's not funny at all."

David responded, "This is not a joke, it's the truth. The book disappeared from my desk and appeared on Lukas's desk."

The group was skeptical of Lukas and David's story because they had a history of playing jokes on each other. They decided it was time to go home, and each of them went their separate ways, except for Lukas, who went straight to the forest where they found the book and the strange man.

Once there, Lukas began investigating the place where they found the strange man's mini shop. After 30 minutes of searching, he found nothing. As it was getting late, he decided to head home. Suddenly, someone shouted his name from deep in the forest.

Confused, he looked around fearfully, but the strange man appeared out of nowhere. Lukas couldn't hide his fear.

The man said, "What a coincidence."

Lukas was breathing heavily and asked, "What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

The man replied, "I didn't find you."

Lukas was confused, "Then what are you doing here?"

The man said, "My job, Lukas."

Lukas asked, "How do you know my name?"

The man replied, "As I said, I'm doing my job."

The man then drew a creepy and scary smile on his face, which made Lukas even more frightened. Lukas ran away in a sprint to his home. Once in his room, his mother came in and handed him a letter left by the strange man.

Lukas was surprised and frightened as he began to read the letter.

Vuran vuran vuran

Lukas was paralyzed with fear upon hearing the chilling words that the entity they summoned could be the same one depicted in the picture they found in the book. Two days had passed, but the fear still lingered. However, they couldn't resist the temptation of playing the game described in the book. They decided to meet in the forest after school to try it out. As they gathered around, David produced the book, and they began examining it. To summon the entity, they had to call out his name at midnight until he appeared, according to the instructions in the book.

The group hesitated, all except David, who was eager to try it out. They stared at each other, contemplating the consequences of playing the game carelessly. Lukas eventually agreed to try it, with the condition that they burn the book to the last page if anything went wrong. As midnight approached, they shouted the name "Vuran" repeatedly, except for Rayan, who chose not to participate.

Suddenly, the strange man appeared out of nowhere, wearing a creepy smile. The group was frightened, but the man vanished quickly, leaving a card behind that read, "game started." They were left to wonder which game the man was referring to.

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