What's real ?

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Lukas call their friends over , he starts discussing what really happened to his mother...

Lukas : Guys , i think... we fucked up .

Julia : what do you mean ? stop with the suspense already.

Lukas : well my mother wasn't in danger at all , she just forgot her phone and had some extra work...

The silence was long , they all start freaking out but suddenly they see the mysterious man just in front of the forest, he's staring at them...

Lukas : Are you guys feeling this too ??

Lukas and the rest are starting to feel nauseous and are going to collapse.

David : what ... what's ... hap...

David collapses , followed by both Julia and Rayan , Lukas is the only conscious one but he's not going to last  , he starts seeing that man approaching more and more, until he collapsed too.

Meanwhile in the police station , James Anderson , an investigator and potentially one of the best of the town , gets home .

James : Good evening honey

Wife : hi baby how was your day ?

They kissed each other.

James : you already know the answer , a bit boring, nothing special happened in the town that required my intention.

Wife : oh

James : you know sometimes I wonder what would our life been if Alex didn't die that day...

Wife : We already talked about this james... you need to move on , as difficult as it is we need to look forwards to our daughter's future.

James : I know i know but still ... I remember that call... like it was yesterday... when they announced us his death

The family starts eating together until James catches someone stalking them far away from the window, when he goes on to check who it is, the man is already gone.

The family goes to sleep, but James has a vivid dreamlike hallucination where he saw his son's body in the hospital.

It's 7am , everybody wakes up to either go to school or go to work, but James is speechless when once in the kitchen, he finds Alex , his son , eating breakfast.

James's starting to think that he's going mad so he starts slapping himself trying to wake up from this dream , but it was in no case a dream...

He walks slowly to him , his wife entered the kitchen.

Wife : good morning honey , did you sleep well ?

James : are you kidding me ? am i dreaming ?? I'm dreaming right ?

His wife doesn't understand why he's saying that.

Wife : What ? why are you saying that ?

His wife is acting like nothing special is happening and giving his son his jacket.

James : A...Alex is here ? alive ?

These words frighten Alex who doesn't know why James is stating that he's alive.

Wife : are you okay ? did you do another nightmare ?

James after being in state of shock and still being , runs to hug his son, he doesn't belive his eyes.

On the other side of the town , the four friends all wake up the next day in their bed each, they don't understand what happened that afternoon.

They decide to meet at lunch to dicuss the matter together.

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