The beggining Pt 2

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As all of the friends shouted the name "Vuran," the strange forest man popped out of nowhere and disappeared instantly, leaving a card behind with the words "Game started" written on it.

After the "ritual," every person in the group of friends who previously didn't believe in paranormal events changed their minds. They were left speechless as they looked at each other, trying to process what had just happened.

David spoke up, "I hope I'm not the only one who saw that, right?"

Lukas replied, "No, you're not. What in the hell was that?"

Julia started to freak out and ran home without saying a word. Rayan, more stressed than ever, shouted at David, "What did you think you were doing? You just unleashed something into our lives that will probably put us in danger. This is insane. I'm done with this. I'm going home."

As Rayan left, David and Lukas were still left in shock. They looked at each other and immediately knew that they shouldn't have played with that book.

Lukas angrily shouted at his friend, "You thought? Yeah, of course, you thought. Well, you were wrong, and now we're dealing with someone or something that's beyond our understanding."

Lukas then went home without saying another word to David. As days passed, nothing special happened, and they began to think that this book thing was just another hoax or prank made by some crazy person in the forest.

However, one day as they were walking through the forest, a great gust of wind passed through, and Rayan noticed it. He looked stressed, but when David asked him what was wrong, Rayan told him that everything was okay.

They all went home, and as soon as David arrived at his house, he noticed a card on his table that was the same shape and size as the one the man in the forest had left before disappearing. At first, David didn't freak out, thinking it was a visiting card his mother left in his room after cleaning it, but upon closer inspection, he realized it wasn't.

He cautiously picked up the card and turned it over, only to be met with a terrifying message: "Eat a bug within 24 hours." David was in shock, but he still couldn't take it seriously because of the ease of what he had to do. He thought it might be some kind of joke his friends were playing on him, so he decided to meet with them the following morning at school. As they walked to their classes, David joked and said, "I burnt the card you guys left on my desk," leaving his friends speechless as none of them had left any card on his desk. After the silence that followed, David immediately realized that no one had left any card on his desk and asked again.

David asked his friends, "Did any of you leave a card on my desk?" As he looked at them one by one, they all shook their heads no. David realized he had made a mistake. They all went to their classes, and at the end of the last hour, before they all left, David saw the man of the forest outside the window. The man's face was clearly visible, and he was standing right in front of the window. The man was pale in color, and he didn't look like someone who lived in the forest. David was scared and asked his classmate if he saw the man too, but the response was unexpected.

The classmate asked, "Which man?"

David knew he was in danger and ran out of the class immediately. He joined his friends at the usual spot in front of the school's main door. Even after he arrived, David was still frightened and breathing heavily from the sprint.

David's three friends looked at him, surprised and confused.

Lukas spoke up, "Who? Who's here?"

David's voice shook as he replied, "The man...the man from the forest. He's here."

As his friends heard the chilling words, they remained silent and waited for David to explain further.

Lukas and Rayan exchange a look, still unsure if David was telling the truth. But when David leads them to the window and they see the figure of a man standing just outside the forest entrance, their skepticism turns to fear.

Rayan : Oh my God, he's really there.

Lukas : What does he want? Why is he here?

David : I don't know, but we need to get out of here.

The four friends quickly make their way out of the school and onto the street, constantly looking over their shoulders to see if the man of the forest is following them. They have no idea what this mysterious figure wants, but they know one thing for sure - they need to stay as far away from him as possible.

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