Haven't We Done Enough Already?!

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When my eyes shot open, I expected many things. I expected an enemy shinobi towering over me, ready to strike me down. I expected Hatsugo or Jinsoku, glaring and cursing at me for making them worried sick. I even expected my mysterious savior, Arekkusu, gazing down at me with whatever expression he’ll have on his face. Many possibilities zoomed through my mind when my eyes opened, and I mentally prepared myself for anything.

Well, almost anything.

I did not expect a boy with caterpillar eyebrows, owl-like eyes, and a bowl haircut.

Of course it had to be Lee.

“Ah, my youthful rose blossom! You are finally awa—“ Without a care, I shoved my open hand in Lee’s face and pushed it aside. He fell on his butt while I slowly sat up, the small action itself taking massive amounts of effort. My eyes were lidded as they gazed at my surroundings. I was in a room, on top of a bed. The room itself was plain; cream colored walls, planked floor and three beds with a door on the far side. The scenery made me frown. Where was I?

I decided to voice that question to Lee. He answered, “We are at the tower, Allyce-bara. May I ask where your squad is?”

My eyebrow twitched at the suffix; rose, really? Nonetheless I replied, “I ditched Hatsugo and Jinsoku because Sakura – Oh shit! Sakura!”

My feet kicked off the covers and swung over the edge of the bed. I barely took three steps before a wave of dizziness stopped me in my tracks. I fell onto one knee, clutching my head with a small groan. Ugh, I think I’m going to hurl…

“Careful! Even though your days of rest assisted you greatly, you are still injured!” Lee scolded, helping me back on my feet. I responded, “Sakura… I need to get to Sakura…”

Lee gave me a thumbs-up and a bright grin. “Sakura-chan is well. Sasuke saved her from the Oto shinobi with a great surge of power he obtained.”

I gave Lee a surprised stare. Sasuke woke up? When? What the hell happened while I was out?! I asked all of these questions. He explained to me everything that he saw, from a squirrel with a detonating explosive tag on its back to Sasuke breaking one of the Oto genin’s arms.

Lee noted that he felt a strong upwelling of power coming from the Uchiha brat. While it was powerful, it was also dark. The Uchiha brat was also faster and stronger, but more sadistic. He managed to break one of Oto shinobi’s arms, and was about to incapacitate the other one when Sakura snapped him out of it.

Hearing the story made a seed of suspicion plant in the pit of my stomach. Was it Orochimaru that gave him that new power? If so, did I also have it? Sasuke and I do share a curse mark; it could be possible. Then again, I haven’t exactly experienced anything extremely potent or painful, except from Orochimaru. Does that count?

I thanked Lee for taking care of me for the past three days – turns out Team Gai found me laid out on the forest floor, broken and bleeding to death – and headed for the door. No sooner did I open it did I came face to face with the one person I honestly wanted to avoid.

Hyūga Neji.

Neji stared at me. I stared at Neji. We stayed staring at each other like that for a while, until…

My fist collided with his face.

Nah, I’m just kidding.

I actually pushed him out of the way, making him fall to the floor, and ran like a bat out of hell. He let out a noise of ire, but I just kept running. Seeing him reminded me of those weird thoughts I had when I was in Mater's realm. I really didn't want to think about those thoughts at the moment, so I did what anyone would've done in my position.

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