A Cry for Help

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Third Person

"This is so freakin' stupid." Allyce snapped. She currently sat on a large rock in a clearing, one hand poking a stick into a burning fire, and the other resting her chin in her palm. She stared at the fire in vexation, the smoke lazily billowing upwards. Hatsugo and Jinsoku were nowhere to be found. The telepathic boy left to attain some information regarding Heaven scrolls, and the dragon went to obtain food. Knowing the dragon's insatiable appetite, Allyce knew it was going to be a lot of food to cook with this insignificant fire. 

"'Stay here,' he said," The Goth kunoichi mumbled as she stabbed the flames. The scowl seemed to be permanently on her face. "'We'll be right back,' he said. Keh! Bastard guardian. I've been waiting here for about three hours now! Doesn't he know that I don't like to sit still?! Why, when he gets back, I oughta..." 

The rest of her words became incoherent mutterings. She seemed oblivious to her surroundings in the clearing. Allyce stood and bent backwards, placing her hands on her hips to steady herself. Once hearing a satisfying crack, she sighed in content and gazed around the clearing. Nothing out of the ordinary, simply a wide berth of open ground and grass, with her smack-dab in the middle. 

Crossing her arms, she hissed to herself, "They better not be too far away. Idiots, both of 'em. Leaving me here..." 

"Seems like good fortune to me. Where is your scroll?" A male voice asked as a kunai blade was pressed against her throat. Allyce closed her eyes as a groan left her lips. "I can't believe this..." 

Without any fear of the kunai, she lifted her head high enough to see her hostage taker upside down. It was a boy with jet black hair like hers, only without the crimson streaks. It was long, even though it was tightly tied up with bandages, going down to his lower back. There was but one strand of hair free from the confines of the bandages, and it hung on the left side of his head. His eyes were a navy blue, soulful and reflective, and his skin was a slightly tanned color. Her first thought was not concerning where Hatsugo and Jinsoku were, where this boy's team was, or even of the kunai against her neck. Instead, it was, 'He looks really cute.'

Nonetheless, she replied, "Why the hell would I tell you that? Do I look stupid to you?" 

An amused gleam glittered in the boy's eyes. He gave a small smile, answering, "Considering that you're alone in the middle of a wide clearing with a smoking fire telling everyone of your exact location, then yes, you don't seem very... intelligent." 

An irk mark appeared on the Goth kunoichi's temple, but not precisely because of the boy's answer. 'I'm going to kill Hatsugo. This is unbelievable.'

"You're not the sharpest kunai in the pouch either, buddy." Allyce shot back, causing the boy to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. "And why would you assume that?" 

To the question, Allyce let out her trademark Cheshire grin, but didn't respond. Someone else did. "Because you fell right for our trap." 

A kunai was pressed against the boy's neck, causing him to sigh. He somewhat expected this possibility, but he thought he had more time to avoid it. How foolish of him to think so. 

He lowered his blade, letting Allyce free. She wasted no time in turning around and backing away, a smirk on her face. However, there was still an irk mark on her temple as well. She glared behind the boy, snapping, "I'm kicking your ass when we get back home, Hatsugo." 

"Why? Because I was right about understanding human nature? There's no need to be jealous, princess." The same voice remarked coolly. The calm tone of Hatsugo's voice only caused Allyce to be even angrier. "Jealous by what, making me live bait?! You idiot!" 

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