The meeting

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A/n: This is one is going to be a bit short
Percy POV
I went up to the ice-cream shop. "Hi Ben" I said. "Oh hi Percy. Ur usual?" He asked. "Obviously". He gave me my blueberry flavoured ice cream with a kit kat in it."Here" I said handing him a bill" i am not taking that" he said. I put it on his desk and ran" percyyy" he shouted. I chuckled and continued walking. I went to a silent part of the park and sat down. I had a wierd feeling that someone or some people were following me. I confirmed it when  I heard rustling in the bushes. I sighed and said" you know its rude to stalk people". Then I got up and faced the bushes. "Please come out". A few people came out. One was a god not a powerful one I guess he is Norse and I think he is Norse( Annabeth told me about norse gods), a guy who looked like walking metal, a guy  who wore a spandex with the American Flag and a girl in a cat suit, a guy with a bow and arrow, a doctor he didnt seem to fit in and lastly a girl with a normal costume but I can feel she is powerful, there is power radiating of her.
Natasha POV
"U know its rude to stalk people" Perseus said. I was startled but i obviously didnt show it. The others started murmering while thor was just squealing  i still am confused about that but I will see about that later. He stood up apparently he ate his ice- cream he seemed like a good guy. I mean he left the money in the guys desk even if he refused. " Please come out" he said this time we all came out. He examined us for a few seconds. Then he turned to Thor. " Ur Thor arent u?" He asked. Thor squealed even more" He knows my name. He knows my name"." Why is he squealing?" He asked. " honestly we dont know either" Steve told him. "Uk its not halloween. Why r u wearing spandexs and u look like a walking robot" he said pointing at Tony. "U dont know us?" Tony said" the alien invasion that halpened 3 months ago? We are the Avengers kid! We saved the worls and we are the mightiest heroes in the world." With this he burst out laughing. Thor was the only one who didnt seem confused. After he finished laughing he said"That was the most funniest thing I ever heard and
1. I am not a kid
2.u being the mightiest heroes on earth.
3. There was an alien invasion?"
He finished. "Have u been living under a rock?" Clint asked . "Enough!"I shouted. "Perseus Jacks-" " its Percy he interrupted like it was a regular thing. "Only people who wnat to kill me call me by my full name. What? I will ask him about that later. "U are a possible terrorist u have to come with us for interrogation" i said. " Me? A terrorist?" He started laughing again and  this time Thor laughed along, after they finished laughing he said" i am not a terrorist and I am not coming with u". "Wanda!"Steve shouted. Wanda read his mind amd made him go through his worst fears. "NO!" Thor warned but it was to late. The most suprising thing is he fought back after a while and he looked at Wanda who was traumatized for some reason. "Did u go through all that" she said "yes and u r not telling anyone about it or i will hunt u down" he said still a bit dazed. I dont understand what Wanda saw that traumatized her but we have to talk about it later. He was still dazed i took it as a chance and hit him in the head he fell unconsious. Thor was disappointed. " lets take him to the tower" Bruce said. Wanda was quiet throughout the ride and I didnt talk ro her about it niether did the others. She needed her time. I looked down at the unconsious green eyed raven haired boy. Soon we arrived at the tower.
A/n:Hey guys! Thats it for today. Thanks a lot. Byeeeee!!!

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