Pop tarts and parties

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An: And yea I have decided to continue the story. Ok so I won't write from someone's perspective anymore.

The next day everyone arrrived to the main hall for breakfast. Percy walked in hand in his pockets . Steve was cooking , Sam was lounging in the couch along with Wanda and Vision. Natasha was reading a book by the Dining table and Tony and Bruce were having their coffee as they chit chatted.

"Hey guys ! Good morning!" Percy chirped

" Oh good morning kid" Steve and Tony smiled at him.

" want some bacon? " Steve offered.

" You should definitely try Steve's cooking, it's amazhang!" (See what I did there) Clint jumped down from the vents  startling Percy.

"Hades! Do you do that often?"
Clint looked at him weirdly.

" Yeah.. and do you say that often?"

" Say what often?"

" Hades? What does that even mean"

"That's a Greek god birdbrain" Natasha called out without looking up from her book. Before Clint can ask anymore questions question Percy walked up to Steve , who offered him food.

" Thanks for the food but do u have pop tarts? "
Percy said looking at the cabins.

"Oh we do but take the ones on the left side don't take the one on the right. All of those are for Thor!"

Percy walked towards the cabins and saw exactly 10 Popstars on the left side. The right side however was filled with pop tarts from top to bottom! Percy took one and flopped on the sofa .

" So I was thinking... we should throw a party to welcome Percy ! " Tony chirped and scrolled through his phone.

" Again? " Natasha piqued up.

"Oh come on we didn't have a party in years ! " Tony said.

" We had one like 5 days ago"  Bucky said in a flat one.

" It doesn't matter ! I'm conducting one for Percy and that's final!"
" I actually didn't go to a party in a long time! Can I invite my friends. Honestly they don't even know all this happened. I got a call and tell them everything."

" I don't think you're allowed to bring people over when ur under our supervision " Natasha sneered. It was quite obvious that the Russian spy didn't trust Percy.

" Yeah I don't think your allowed too " Wanda agreed with Natasha

" But that's the thing I will be under your supervision so nothing bad could happen"

Percy knew for a fact that something definitely will happen . 8 demigods in one place that's not camp? That's sure to bring the attention of monsters. With monsters there's always trouble. And that's sure to distract everyone for enough time so he and his friends can escape. He knew staying with these people too long could attract monsters. And the more he stays with them the more they will know about him and he can't risk that.

" your letting Annabeth come here anyways just a few more people won't hurt? And only for today? Pls?" Percy showed his infamous puppy eyes . Natasha might I say very obviously didn't melt. Percy sighed.

" I mean it's just for a day? What's the worse that cold happen?" Bruce said.

" You know what sure kid , bring them over. But only for one night they have to go back later." Tony said waving his hand.

" Yes ! Thank u so much ! And also can you make blue cookies for the party?"

" Blue cookies? Why blue?" Steve frowned in confusion. The others looked at Percy not quite understanding his absurdness.

" Oh it's actually a tradition my mom and I came up with to irritate my step dad. Since then we kinda followed it and I actually have grown to love them a lot." Percy smiled at the memory.
Natasha saw the opening and took it.

" Your stepdad? Did u like him a lot ?" Natasha said curiously.

There it was. They were trying to know him better . He knew this would happen. That they would try to get information out of him. This is exactly why he needed to escape as soon as possible.

"Percy?" Sam asked concerned with his lack of response.

They were thinking that Percy was still mourning his stepdad . That he missed him a lot. Sadly they didn't how far off that assumption is.

Percy snapped back to reality.
"Oh yeah! Sorry I kinda zoned out a bit. I was just thinking.. about him" He added a sad sigh in the end to add to the drama but Natasha saw right through it . She narrowed her eyes but didn't question it.

" I've learned to move on and accept it and my mom has too and we really do miss him."

" I'm sorry for your loss " Wanda said from the couch as she leaned on vision. Something in her , maybe her mind, was telling her that Percy was not being completely honest.

"Anyways I'm going to inform my friends about the party! See y'all there! Toddles" he waved as Tony informed him that he could use the phone downstairs.
The moment Percy left and they were sure he was out of earshot Natasha spoke .

" He's lying" She said as she snapped the book shut.

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