The Intern kid

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"Lying? About what?" Tony asked utterly confused.

" About his stepdad. He's hiding something about him. " Natasha replied

" I had the same feeling" Wanda piqued in.

"Do you think he did something to his stepdad?" Sam said leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Possible" Natasha placed the book on the table and turned towards Tony.

" U have to record the call he's going to have with his friends . We need as much information as possible."

" But isn't that an invasion of privacy?" Steve narrowed his eyes.

" Well he clearly isn't going to tell as anything so we got to get the information ourselves."

Bruce shook his head. He didn't like anything that was going on. Tracking, kidnapping and basically forcing a kid to stay with them. Not watching his every move and invading his space. He uncertain on where this would finally lead them.


Percy skipped towards the reception eagerly to finally talk to his friends. There was a phone in camp just in case we won't be able to send an Iris message to camp. He just had to dial in the number and tell Manou to give the phone to his friends.

Just when he was about to reach to reception someone smashed into the nearby window. Percy quickly slipped his hand in his pocket ready to attack.

The figure wearing a red and blue spandex held his head and groaned.

" I definitely should have checked if I had enough web fluid " He said lying flat on the ground and pulling his mask off revealing dark brown curls and big brown eyes. He looked about Percy's age. He wasn't particularly worried that people would see his face as he was in stark towering and everyone knew his identity here.

Percy hovered above him and looked down as soon as the figure's eyes strayed to him.

" Woah! Is that your pet spider?" Percy pointed towards the spider crawling on the boy's hand and towards his chest where it finally sat in form position.

The boy's eyes widened and he sat up immediately but groaned because of the speed.

" Who exactly are you and what are you doing in stark tower?" The boy asked

" I'm Percy, Percy Jackson and I guess you could say I'm a guest or never mind it's a long story and you are?" He said extending his hand to help the boy up and for a handshake.

The boy smiled at him and took his outstretched hand and got up and shook his hand.

"I'm Peter , Peter Parker and I don't think ur supposed to know I'm Spider-Man but u saw too much already." He said and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. He dropped Percy's hand and dusted off his suit.

" Spider-who?"

"Wait u don't know Spider-Man?"

"Why does everyone keep asking that?"

The boy, Peter raised his eyebrows.

" Nevermind"

" Anyways the suit is really cool, Did u make it?" Percy asked eyeing the suit.

"No Mr.Stark made it " Peter smiled at Percy.

" Oh so uk Tony? "

" Yeah, I know all the Avengers, I actually knew only Tony first then he introduced me to the avengers and I've been dropping by since then "

" So I'm assuming ur also a hero?"


" How did Tony introduce you to the avengers ? Cuz like when I met them for the first time , it was a huge ruckus "

" We'll my meeting with them for the first time involving dumping a bunch of food on them"

Percy and Peter laughed. That was when the Avengers came hearing all the noise.

" What's with noise-"

Tony started them stopped after he saw Percy and Peter laughing and then his eyes started to the broken window. On hearing Tony's voice the two boys looked up.

" Kid not again" Tony put his fingers between the beige of his nose and shook his head.

" Sorry Mr.Stark I didn't realise I ran out of web fluid" Peter said sheepishly.

" Isn't this the fourth time this month?" Sam raised his eyebrow.

" It's the fifth" Natasha said with a small smile as she walked to Peter and ruffled his hair.

" Anyways I need to make a call so I'll see you around?" Percy said to Peter.

" Yeah , see ya!" Peter replied cheerfully.

Peter and the avengers went up.

" Kid you need to stay away from Percy" Tony started .

" Wait why?"

" He's dangerous , we're not keeping him here for fun , We're keeping him here as kind of like custody to supervise him for some time so that we can confirm if he's a threat or not" Clint said munching on a granola bar.

" But he seems so nice " Peter said

" We don't who he really is , so we should be really careful" Steve said .

Everyone nodded in agreement. Except Peter. Though he only met Percy he really liked him . He seemed like a great person to get along with.

Percy called his friends to inform about the party but he didn't say anything particularly suspectful. He still wasn't sure how all this technology worked so he kept all the details to a minimum.

It seems he wasn't the only one adventures . His friends told him that Leo got into trouble with some people. Leo said that one of they looked weird and that one of them also looked like a tree but Piper said that it was probably the most messing with him.

The moment he put the phone down the window on the other side broke in a huge explosion. Percy flew across the room but immediately got up. He wasn't the only one who was alerted


Avengers x Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now