The interrogation

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A/n:*sweats* heyyyy guys(nervous laugh) yes i know i have not updated pls do not kill me.
Percy POV
I woke up in a room which is full on white. I was thinking what that witch girl made me see. It was the horrors of tartarus and the final battle with Gaea. I was still thinking when a guy with an eyepatch came in. He started staring at me. I started to think this guy was an actual pirate who wanted to kidnap me. "Perseues jacks- " its percy. look! Just get it over with ok? Like 'percy jackson we are here to kill u' and all that stuff. Honestly did u want to kidnap me because u want something from me or cuz u want to kill me. Whatever it is get it over with" i said. He was shocked but didnt show it instead the girl in the tight black suit and the rest of the group that kidnapped me came in this time in normal clothes except for the girl in tight black suit. "What? We r not here to kill u and how do take that so casually? I mean u r not even afraid." The guy with the bow and arrow said Oh no no no no no. They r mortals . Why did I mistake them it was all because of this pirate guy. If Annabeth was here she would hit me with a book for saying that.
Natasha POV
Honestly this boy is brave. I mean he does not know if we r here to kill him or not but he  still said it so casually. After Clint said that his eyes widened." Shit" he muttered under his breath which I think only I heard beacuse the others are not attentive at all. Geez. Anyway he continued muttering he said" Dammit they are mortals" he said as if he was not. I had to ask that later.
"Forgot about it. How long will ut take? Can I atleast call my mom I mean to tell her how long I will be here and all that stuff" he said. "It might take a while so I guess u can but keep it in speaker we dont want u calling for help" Fury said. " but he does not have a phone. I checked ur pockets. How do u live without a phone??" Tony said" i have my ways" the boy also known as perseus or as he said before he liked to be called Percy. " Use mine" steve said. "Uhh" percy said. "Use it." I said but not rudely. What? I am honest." Fine i am going to be in trouble" he muttered. This time clearly audible to everyone." Wait! If u dont have ur phone how do uk ur moms number?" I asked. I wanted to ask question later but i had to ask this. "She gave it to me in case of emergencies" he said." Like this".
"Hi mom" he said
" hi Percy. Where r u and what did u get yourself into this time?" His mother asked.
" there are a bunch of people who said they r the avengers and they have kidnapped claiming I am a terrorist. I couldnt stop laughing. It will take a while to come ho- oh my gods i forgot u and paul r in California." He said with a tinge of humour.
" Its fine. Wait! Percy u r using a phone! U r gonna get in trouble. Stay sa-"she was cut off by Percy
"I am fine mom nothing happened.....yet! Even if it did a norse god is here and I have a feeling he wont mid helping?" He said looking at thor who was silent this whole time. Now that is a suprise. He just rapidly nodded. The others were confused so was I but I didnt show it.
"Anyway!! Bye!" He said and cut the call.
"Natasha we will wait u interrogate him" Bruce said
"Okay" i said.
The others went out. I looked at the black haired and green eyed boy who was sitting down on the chair from the door. He gave me a cold smile, i did the same. And I started interrogating him
A/n: I know no one will read this but I am still writting(typing?)this down. I will make part 2 of interrogation. Till then
Bye my fellow demigods.* jumps out window and into the river* by the way I am a daughter of Poseidon.

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