One Above All:

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As we healed Tsubaki, a message sounded in our heads. 

<<Analysis of the title: One Above All is complete. gaining control of all multiverse - succeeded. Power steal acquired. 

<practitioner of heavenly principles> has evolved to <sustainer of heavenly principles>

new skills acquired are:

<true king of beasts>: the person who holds this title is the true king of the beast race. all beastmen recognize him as a god. skill includes: <beast summon> <beast love> <berserker> <physical enhancement>

<true ruler of gods>: all gods now recognize you as their supreme. <INFORMATION KING: akashic records> has evolved to <information king: world records>. retrieving the memories of the past creator.

all physical abilities have improved astronomically.

<thread of fate> acquired. Users will now be guided by the world to keep the universe balanced.

retrieving a telepathic message from the previous successor.>>

a message from One above all? As I and ciel were about to destroy the nation of Yulong and Sandora, we received a telepathic message. 

<<dear Rimuru and Ciel, if this message has been seen by you, it seems that your own power is about to destroy the world. it seems that someone has angered you so much that you have directed your wrath upon them. having my power does not mean you are all-powerful. I will guide you to my utmost capacities so you can harness my power to the maximum. for now, just leave whatever world you are in. I am teleporting you to another world. the world you are currently in cannot handle your anger. if you have enjoyed that world, please leave for now.>>

although I and Ciel knew the old man for a short period of time, we knew he was experienced. following his advice will be better. so we bid the king of beasts goodbye and told our new little sister we would be back after some time. we sent a telepathic message to the gods and we left.


guys, i know this chapter is short. that is why i am creating a new arc. please tell me which world i should do next? piece world deadly sins world. hero academia

4.cautious hero

5.dragon ball 

6.journeying the marvel universe

or any other, if you guys want.

the first comment will be considered

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