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Yoongi's POV

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Yoongi's POV

The next day

8:02 AM

I sigh, throwing out the trash, thinking over yesterday's events. Something about yesterday's incident didn't seem normal to me, the way they looked enraged, they looked like they've been through years of pain, yet bottled all their emotions up and those held emotions were coming boiling up. I saw anger in their eyes, along with pain, sadness, regret, hate. I would've shrugged it off as normal as they are mere teenagers and it's completely normal for teenagers to go through these kind of outbursts if I hadn't seen the flash of red in Minji's eyes as I had opened the door, vanishing as soon as I laid my eyes on hers. I shuddered at the memory replaying in my mind, how she had looked vulnerable yet dangerous at the same time. She and her friends carried this aura that makes you feel intimidated yet warm at the same time, like being in the presence of royalty who care for their subjects a lot but one wrong move against them or speak a single word of a sensitive topic and you'll be delivering yourself to the doors of death. I stared blankly at the ground making my way inside, only to bump into Minji who looked worried and all the previous thoughts vanished as I looked at her pretty face creased in worry.

"Hey, what happened? Why are you so worried?" I asked, curiousity building up inside me. She always looked so laid back and chill, and her looking worried amused me.

She sighed saying, "It's just that... Soobin hasn't contacted me from yesterday and I'm getting worried something happened. He always texts me about his day before sleeping and I haven't recieved a message from him yet. Yeonjun and Heesung said he went somewhere and hasn't returned since last night." She said concern evident in her eyes, her eyebrows drawn together in tension, a small pout forming on her lips, her doe eyes creased in worry. I felt a faint surge of anger flooding through me as I tried my best to hold back a scowl.

Why was I getting angry over her worrying for her best friend? In a way he was my friend too even though we met barely a week ago. I should be worried about his disappearance and should help her out. But why was I feeling hatred towards him? This is just plain wrong.

Aloud I said, "Oh...do you need help searching for him? I can call the others to help too." I said while feigning concern. She frowned at my face as if she somehow knew I was pretending.

Nah how can she know? People have said that I was a good actor. She's just worried over her bestfriend, that's all, I thought and reassured myself.

"Ah no it's okay, we may have a few ideas on where he might be, and we'll go try to find him there. Thanks for the offer though hyung!" She smiled and ruffled my hair before she ran off down the street.

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