try harder - r.s

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Hello. Let's write a Beatle story about Ringo. Hope you like it.

Name: Rochelle Prudence Seemorr
Year: 1974
Beatle: Ringo Starr
Relationship: Girlfriend

Rocky was never one for partying, alcohol and drugs but once she started dating the famed, former drummer of the Beatles that was blown.

Every weekend would be a different rock stars house t hey be at just drinking and smoking. It was an issue. The once caring and kind Ritchie was the asshole, bastard Ringo. He wasn't himself and it pained her everytime they went over to one of the houses.

She had to stop it. It wasn't helping he was friends with Keith Moon who was known for destructive behaviors and heavy alcohol and drug abuse. She was surprised he's still alive and he has a daughter.

She couldn't fathom the anxiety and worry his daughter and wife are going through knowing he is quite possibly killing himself slowly. Thankfully you guys haven't decided to start a family. You wanted too but you had some things to work out first though.

"And like I said to Pete we can't keep destroying our gear because we have to pay for the damages and Keith causes enough havoc with his hotel escapades." Roger explained.

"But destroying is so fun and exhilarating." Keith groaned, in his opinion he has turned into a real asshole since he started a family with his wife. He missed the old Roger the one who could care less about price and more about fun and having a amazing shag every once in a while

"Well, I would join but Lord knows Judy here will be upset and I'll be sleeping on the sofa." Ringo laughed, patting her back.

Rochelle was seething. Yeah she knew it was bit stupid to get upset about a stupid remark but it's just how he said it. He would treat her so kindly behind closed doors. Which there weren't many but she knew the sweet, kind Ritchie was hidden somewhere.

She had to say something and no better time than now. "Ritchie." She kindly started.

"What the hell. You need to stop this. Since when do you call me your Judy. Since when have you become such and asshole and honestly that's the least worst thing you have done to me. You've done worse, trust me far worse. I'm fucking sick of your shit and all the drinking and drugs! Your killing me and everyone around you doing what your doing. Why'd you think I never go anywhere?! Because I'm scared Ritch. I'm scared I'll leave and come home to you dead and overdosed on God knows what." She paused to catch her breath.

"I know but it's just the Beatle break up is hard and I'm trying everything but drugs and drinking make it feel easier for me to grieve" Ringo cowered into a ball on the couch.

"No, Ritchie. Try harder. Try harder than you've ever tried before. I wanna have a family and be with you but your making it difficult with the lifestyle your trying to live. Try harder. I love you so much and hate to see you like this and the Beatles breaking up was meant to happen and you have nothing to grieve they treated you poorly near the end and no one deserves that. You need to get your head out of your ass and wake up. This isn't how life is supposed to be or end up." Rochelles throat was sore and dry. She yelled a lot louder then she expected.

Everyone looked wide eyed and silent at the sight of an infuriated Rocky. She was known as the nice girl who is kind and wouldn't hurt a fly. Was now a seething, red faced, angry woman.

"Rocky, calm down." Roger spoke, calmly rubbing her shoulder to calm her.

"Roger don't touch me." She threatened, her beady eyes protruding.

"Honey calm down. I promise to get better. I don't want you mad at me." Ritchie's expression softened.

Rocky couldn't be angry at his pretty, adorable face. She loosened her stature and unclenched her fists, which she didn't she was clenching.

"I'm sorry Ritch." She apologized, looking downcast.

"It's okay. I knew I should've stopped a while ago but I didn't and I'm sorry." Ringo apologized.

"I'm sorry." Rocky kissed his face tears starting to escape her eyeballs.

"It's okay, baby." He rocked her and smoothed out her hair and played with it, kissing her forehead.

She wanted to lie there forever. But they had to leave and get to there own home.

They make there way out the house and call a cab. She curls up in his lap and falls into a blissful slumber.

Ritchie smiles down at her beautiful face. Thinking he landed the most precious jewel on this planet.



Hello, people there. Hope your all well. I published yet another chapter in this book. It's actually had a good ending. I hope you all like it. Have a good day, morning or night wherever you are in the world. I'll see you guys next time. ✌🏼

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