what good can drinkin' do - g. h

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Hello, people there. I'm back again with an update. I hope your all good and I hope you'll enjoy this imagine.
Name:  Siobhan Amelia Deetz
Year: 1974
Beatle: George Harrison
Relationship: strangers

There she sat alone, buzzed and heartbroken. Her boyfriend of seven years had gone and cheated on her and to top it off, he got the girl pregnant.  She was so lost in her thoughts she didn't notice she drunk all her glass. 

She traipsed her way back the bar top and clunked her glass down and signaled the barmaid. He filled her scotch the brim an she sucked it down and her throat burned but she was to buzzed to think about the bitter liquid cascading down her throat.

On the opposite side of the club there sit also another brokenhearted person but one a bit more famous than Siobhan had been or ever was. George sat at his corner booth nursing a healthy glass full of gin and tonic. More gin than tonic. 

George finally decided to be done with his wife, Pattie Boyd. She'd been seeing his best friend, Eric Clapton for moths and he was sick of it. So, he left and came here. So, far he hadn't been found out and was quietly enjoying his somber evening but there paths would eventually cross. 

Siobhan stumbled over to the jukebox and threw on a tune she knew would get the crowd going. I Feel Fine by The Beatles rang through the club and everyone was up and dancing.  

She danced, pranced and stumbled her way around the club until she lost her footing and crashed into someone's lap. 

"Sorry sir." She stuttered, trying her best to stand up and walk away but was unsuccessful. 

The mystery man felt bad for the poor drunken girl. "Stop. Ill help." He uttered, pulling on her shoulders and lifting her up and then carrying her bridal style. 

"You really know how to manhandle a woman." She suggestedly flipped her hair and pushed up her breasts.

George rolled his eyes and made his way out the pub. "Do you know where your house is?" He asked.

"No." She spit, her words touched George's face and he swiped his face.

"Okay. Were going to go to my place." George waved for the valet and his car pulled up and he loaded the both of them into his car and they made there way to Georges place. 

Siobhan soon fell asleep on Georges shoulder. George thought she looked cute the way her hair was awry ad]nd she had some drool dipping out the corner of her mouth. He laughed at himself, wondering how he ended up here with a drunk girl in his car basically unconscious.

The car soon halted and George woke her as nicely as he could but nothing budged. He lightly kissed her forehead and that woke her.

"Where the hell am I? What'd you do? did you drug me? Try any funny business and I will shove this so far up your ass you will shit fur for a month." Siobhan threatened, holding her fur coat in front of her and shoving in George's face. 

"I promise. No funny business. Just trying to help." George defended himself. "Now, if you could please stop yelling, my ex-wife is down the hall. So, please be quiet. I don't want to talk to her at the moment." George frowned. 

"Oh, im sorry." She apologized.

"It's not your fault. Now, get some sleep before you wake up with an even worse headache that you already will have." George laughed. 

"Okay. Goodnight.." She paused.

"George." He uttered before kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight, George." Her eyes flicked to his lips for a second. He got what she wanted to do and just took the first step.

Her lips were on his and they weren't leaving. Kissing him was like walking in a cloud and never coming down. His lips were nice and soft and felt amazing against hers and she couldn't get enough. His lips tasted like the sweetest candy you ever tasted. It was wonderful but soon they needed a breath.   

"That was awesome." Siobhan breathed. 

"Yeah." George sighed. 

They pecked each others lips and then George was about to open the door when Siobhan interrupted his train of thought. 

"Stay." Was all that had to be said. George leaped for his pj's and in seconds was nestled with Siobhan in bed.  

It couldn't get no better. He was glad he was the one lucky guy who helped her home.

"Goodnight, George." Siobhan whispered, pecking his ear.

"Goodnight." He whispered back, pecking her neck.



I thought of many different endings and scenarios and this is how it turned out. I hope you enjoyed this and i hope this was satisfactory. I think i got it back. Im back into my groove. And ive never been so happy. This was a nice story and prompt and one shot. I like it. I hope you do too. Also i think i can properly write romancy stuff with knowing what in writing about because I have an amazing boyfriend, who I love dearly and will marry one day. He's everything i wanted and more. But thats all i got for now. See you guys next time. Goodbye and Thank you

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