Chapter 8: Love & War

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This chapter goes to Kira cause I would have never figured out what to write. Check out her account and book Kira_Stylinson16 I'm reading her book Just Saying and I'm just saying its tots amazing. It's about a girl named Dana who has over protective brothers, a workaholic mother, a crazy best friend, a boyfriend, and a love interest. Sounds super interesting and crazy right? Well -- here'continuation of here's my continuation of Perfection be sure to vote, comment, and follow. You know you love me.

Allie Monroe 😂💋

P.s. I just watched all of Gossip Girl and its freaking amazing.

The sound of my phone woke me up this morning, instead of the normal text from Jayden. I was heart broken. I haven't waken up from a text from my "boyfriend". He hasn't called me since before we, quote on quote, had dinner. Jayden was a whole different person in that moment. He was rough, loud, and so scary.

I say at my vanity and did my routine, but today I felt a better. I didn't see all the flaws I usually did it was different today. I walked down stairs with a little pep in my step and got my granola, raspberries, and bananas in a larger container than usual. I filled my canister with organic almond milk. *Author's note: my real life favorite breakfast.* i rummaged through my drawers for my pill container but I couldn't find it so I decided to just skip breakfast.

"Oo, now I can eat this for lunch and pageant plan instead of going out for lunch." I clapped.

I walked out door and sat "patiently" on the little French bench my father picked out. He has such exquisite taste. I grew more and more aggravated as the time passed, a solid four minutes. Then , I realized Jayden wouldn't be coming . I dialed for a town car and by time it arrived I was late for school , I failed my driving test so getting there on my own was out of the question.

When I entered the halls of the school, a sea of whispers immediately broke out . I figured the rumors had washed over the school , but the whispers started to taunt me. I began to feel as if I forgot my breathing pattern and I flush red . Everything slowed down , my leg grew weak, and my head got light. I could feel a wave of blackness inching toward me.

Opening my eyes, shifted a little, and I heard paper crunch under me. I tried to sit up , but too fast and whined at the stinging feeling that rang through my head. A white haired lady that I rarely seen appeared from behind the screen that divided the office.

"Monroe, you have to take it easy for the next week or so, you seem to have a minor concussion."

"W-w-wait, take it easy as in?" I asked nit wanting to hear what I already knew was coming.

"We're gonna put you on sports leave until you're cleared by your physician to continue." She responded in a monotone. I'm not sure if it was from not caring or the fact that she must repeat the same line to half of the school at least 3 times a day.

"But I'm captain and the main flyer ... I'm at the top of every stunt." I almost cried right then. 

After many moments of denial, I was allowed to leave the nurse's office. I knew as soon as Tamika heard she'd tear me a new one with her perfectly manicured nails. I still had a title to uphold, but my relationship seemed so much more important... until it came to proving myself worthy of all the things I've been dreaming of. So I had a decision to make my boyfriend or my dream. And it was a tough one. Both having a equal place in my heart. Both giving me a reason not to quit like I've been bond. But one was more special. More meaningful. I had to decide.

                     ***I wrote this a long while ago and tots just found it so I decided to edit it and post it ***

                        I'm totally gonna have to write this story all over ... well just like the 2nd and 3rd chapter .

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