Chapter 7: days ahead & its the weekend

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We sat at the dinner table and I stared at my food, twirling my fork like a baton. "Allegria, eat." He demanded. "Now!"

He smashed his hand on the table making the silverware and China jump, I jumped back startled. "Don't speak with me like that." I slammed the fork on the table and ran upstairs. I dared not to look back because I knew him was hot on my trail. I heard each of his booming steps as they hit the marble and echoed throughout my house. I couldn't make it to my room so I swiftly enter the bathroom, locking it. I slide my body in front of it.

"Allie, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He wiggled the door handle. "Let me in. Let me in right now!" His roar shook the glass and I smashed my hands against my ear to shut out the new sound.

He had never been loud with me. All of these actions and arguing are new to our seemingly perfect relationship. We were supposed to be perfect, the way these were looking we wouldn't last.

At this moment tears flooded from my eyes. Everything is falling apart.

"Jayden, leave please leave. I need to left alone. We're supposed to be in love, yet all we do is argue and fight now. I shut you out then you shut me out. This isn't healthy." I yelled.

"Seriously, Allie?" Hurt was laced in his voice.

"Jay, I'm sorry."

"Say less. Allegria." With that it was silent and I heard soft steps leaving the the bathroom hall.


                            Authors Note


  Just something short since someone asked so nicely. 😂 but enjoy loves❤️💋

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