Chapter one: Beautiful Green Eyes

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Notes: Hello everyone, this fanfic is inspired from a series of tiktoks I saw. This takes place after Age of Ultron when Wanda first returns to the Avengers compound. The main character is a 25-year-old woman who was found by Shield in the middle of a wheat field in North Carolina, she has permanent memory loss and the only two things she can remember is her name, Ivy James, and the fact that she has powers of which she still can't fully control. She's a beautiful girl with shoulder length black hair and stunning grey eyes. Nick Fury sent this unknown heroin into the hands of The Avengers to see if they could control her powers and crack her memory.

Chapter one: Beautiful Green Eyes

The smell of a new car hits my nostrils as I climb into a black SUV that Mr. Stark had sent for me. They say I'm going to some place called the avengers compound so I can control my powers, hopefully this will help my memory too. My eyes start to feel tired as the car moves steady on the asphalt, eventually they close all the way and I drift off to sleep. I'm not sure how long it's been when I'm awoken by a car door slamming shut, the driver of the vehicle approaches my door and opens it up for me. I slowly climb out of the backseat gripping the backpack Mr. Fury had given me back at shield headquarters. As I walk through the front doors of the compound, I'm met by a red synthezoid who introduces himself as Vision, he shakes my hand and starts giving me a tour of the facility. The tour finally ends and Vision shows me to my room, I thank him for his time and I shut my door. The feeling of pure excitement washes over me as I plop down on the soft bed in the center of my room. I will finally be able to control my powers and be a real hero. After a few minutes of being lost in thought I hear a knock at the door, I expect it to be Vision again asking more questions about who I am. He's a curious robot I'll give him that. As I open the door I'm met with a girl, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen I should say. She has long redish brown hair and the most gorgeous green eyes, her dress lands just above her knees and she has a red leather jacket draped around her shoulders. "Hi stranger, my name is Wanda. Who are you?", I can feel myself staring for what feels like an eternity before I finally say, "Hi I'm Ivy, it's nice to meet you". I invite her in and we start talking about why were both here, she tells me her stories from Sokovia and how Ultron killed her twin brother. I tell her that shield found me in a wheat field with no more than a name and brand mark on my right shoulder with the letters IJ. I don't know what it means but they are my initials so hopefully that has something to do with it. As she continues to talk about her life and her powers I find myself not being able to look away from her eyes, there almost enchanting in a way. I'm broken from her trance when I hear her ask, "So what are your powers? You wouldn't be here if you didn't have any". "I can control electricity and electric currents, that includes in the human mind. So basically I'm very shocking". She laughs at my joke and I see her smile for the first time, it's like every good thing in the world got together and made her transcendent smile. It's almost like the world stopped and we were the only two people on earth. That's when I knew I was completely irretrievably in love with Wanda Maximoff.

She waves her hand in front of my face and looks at me with confusion, "You okay Ivy? You were staring into space", she says as she lays her hand on mine. "Ya of course, I just spaced.", I said as I blink a few times so my eyes can readjust. We talk the next few hours away and I learn so much about this mysterious woman who showed up at my door. I look out the window and I'm met with the night sky, we talked all afternoon and I didn't even notice. I look back at Wanda who yawns and stretches her arms in the air. "Thank you for the talk Ivy, I hope you have a goodnight and very sweet dreams", she says as she starts walking toward my door. I see her out and wave goodbye as she walks down the hall, she smiles at me once more and once again the world stopped around me.

The next few months I spend training with Wanda, Mr. Rogers and Natasha, they teach me self defense moves and we start using my powers in small increments. I'm always afraid I'm going to hurt them but as my power grows so does my confidence. Wanda and I have been growing significantly closer everyday I'm here, she's my rock in this crazy world I call my life. My feelings grow stronger for her every day and I just hope she feels the same about me.

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