Chapter Seven: Baby Blues

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Trigger Warning!!! Pregnancy loss, if this upsets you please click away

Chapter Seven: Baby Blues

I still can't believe it's been six months since Tony helped us get our dream home. Six months of pure bliss with my gorgeous wife. I'm sitting on the couch when I feel two arms wrap around me, I look up and see Wanda with the cutest smile on her face. It usually means she wants something from me, hopefully I don't have to kill another spider. She flops on the couch and I set the book I was reading down on the coffee table; I meet her gaze and her smile grows bigger. Her expression becomes that of nerves and it becomes clear she wants something because she starts tapping her index fingers together like a child asking for ice cream.

"Okay missy what do want?", I say as I boop her nose

Her smile fades and she looks down nervously, I put her hands in mine and kiss her knuckles to reassure her. "My love you know you can always tell me anything that's on your mind", I say as I gently place my hand on her cheek.

She takes a deep breath and looks me straight in the eyes. "I want a baby", she says with a shaky voice.

I'm stunned and left speechless by her words; the word baby just keeps replaying in my mind. I want a baby too so very desperately. 'speak stupid', I think to myself as my wife is still looking in my eyes; looking for an answer within them. I start to cry and nod my head, still unable to speak. She too starts to cry and jumps into my arms.

The English language finally returns to me and I speak once more. "So what's the plan? Do you want to adopt", I say still hugging her.

She gets up out of my arms and returns to the other side of the couch. "No, I want to carry", she said placing a gentle hand on her stomach. "It's been my dream since I was just a little girl".

"Then so it shall be my love", I say as I kiss her forehead.

I get up off the couch and go to my home office and open up my laptop, I search for the best fertility clinics in the New York area. I find one and call Wanda into my office and she pulls up a chair next to me.

"I think I found a good place", I say still scrolling through the company's website. "It has great reviews and the services definitely fit our budget".

"I'll call and make an appointment right now", Wanda says as she pulls out her phone.

Shes on hold for a little while but finally gets through to the receptionist. She paces back and forth around the room; she always does that when she gets nervous.

She finally hangs up and looks at me. "Our appointment is a week from today, the lady said since we're just looking for a sperm donor that the doctors will be able to inseminate me the same day", she says with a huge smile from ear to ear.

I get up out of my chair, put my arms around her and spin her around as we're both laughing with joy. The thought of being a mother with Wanda is a thought that brings me so much comfort. Holding my baby and watching the sunrise as my wife holds my waist while we sway gently back and forth to keep them asleep is what I believe to be heaven in its earthly form.


One week later:

We're sitting in the waiting room and I'm shaking my leg anxiously. Wanda rubs my thigh trying to calm my nerves when finally, a nurse wearing green scrubs says "Mrs. Maximoff the doctor will see you now". We get up and Wanda puts her hand in mine as we walk back into the doctors office.

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