Chapter Eight: Trying Again

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Chapter Eight: Trying Again

It's been almost two years since we lost our baby and a lot has happened. The Avengers came up with a plan to reverse the snap and bring everyone back that we lost. We as team went back in time, collected all the infinity stones and brought them back to our present time. Tony built a special gauntlet to store the power of the stones but Bruce was the one to make the snap, nearly killed him but we succeeded in bringing everyone back. However, our success didn't come without losses, Clint and Tony are gone. Clint died retrieving the soul stone and Tony gave his life to defeat Thanos once and for all.


"Proof that Tony Stark has a heart", the words are engraved into my head as I put a flower on Tony's floating grave. I can't contain my tears anymore, Wanda and Nat seeing the pain in my eyes come over to hold my hands. The man I considered to be my father is gone and I'm left with an empty is space where he once was. The day was spent crying and comforting Pepper and Morgan. At the end of the day Tony's Lawyer pulled people aside and took us into Tony's study for the reading of the will. I found out that Tony left me half of his assets and the other half to Pepper. I was now a billionaire and had no idea what to do with it.


It's been three months since the funeral and Wanda and I are still getting accustom to our new wealth. My heart still aches at the passing of Tony and I still think of him everyday. Though today my mind is elsewhere, I'm thinking about the baby and how I so desperately want to try again but I have no idea how to bring that up to Wanda. Deep in thought I don't even notice Wanda putting her hand to my head, when I finally realize what she's doing it's already too late and she reads my thoughts. She looks at me shocked and her hand falls into her lap.

"So, you want to try again huh?", Wanda says as a single tear falls from her eye.

"Yes my love, I do. I know they will never replace the one we lost but I think it's time because I know you want this just as much as I do", I say taking her hands in mine.

"I do want this as much as you do but I don't know if I can carry another child, the minute we lost our baby my heart shattered and I don't know if I can go through that again", Wanda says as she rubs my knuckles with her thumb.

I pause for a moment, "I'll do it", I say. "I'll carry our next baby".

Wanda looks at me in shock and jumps into my arms smiling and laughing. So it's decided that I will carry our next child, our rainbow baby.


One month later:

I'm standing in front of the bathroom mirror holding the test in my hands and praying to the gods that I see what I so desperately need to see. We went with the same donor we did before so our babies will be siblings. The timer on my phone made me jump when it went off. I picked up the test and took a deep breath before raising the test to eye level. I hold my stomach gently and begin to cry, I'm pregnant.

It's about 5pm when Wanda's car pulls up in the driveway, I jumped up from the couch and took my position by the door to surprise Wanda when she comes in. I hear her footsteps on the porch and her keys jingling when I take the test out of my pocket and put it behind my back. She opens the front door and looks at me suspiciously.

"What are you doing love? Not up to any trouble are you?", said Wanda with a smile.

"Of course not baby, just thought I would share something with you", I say slowly pulling the test out from behind my back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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