Chapter 12

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Waking in a haze, you notice that it's already starting to get dark. "Holy shit, how long have I been out for?" Asking yourself. You grab your phone to check the time. You fall back into the bed, rubbing your hands on your eyes, wiping the sleep off of them. Your body is feeling much better than it did this morning. You peek around the room, noticing it's clean. Vanessa must have cleaned it up while you slept.

You hear a low growl emit from your tummy, you're hungry. You get up to stretch your stiff body. Walking to the kitchen, helping to loosen up your body some more. As you approach the kitchen you can hear faint moans, curious to where they're coming from as you walk into the kitchen. 

You're instantly mortified as you see Vanessa bent over the island, her uniform on the floor. Takeomi thrusting behind her, his pants wrapped around his ankles. Takeomi sees you enter, winking at you as he continues to thrust into Vanessa.

"Wanna join?" Takeomi smirks.

Vanessa opened her eyes at Takeomi words, seeing who he was talking to, jerking them to you.

"OH MY GOD!" Vanessa yells.

You cover your mouth with your hand in shock.

Vanessa immediately disperses from Takeomi, stumbling to grab her uniform off the floor, trying to cover herself. Takeomi pulls his pants back up, buttoning them up. He takes a cigarette out of a carton, lighting it, taking a huge puff.

"I'm so sorry Y/n." Vanessa mumbles successfully getting her uniform back on.

"We'll pick this back up later." Takeomi flirts with Vanessa, puckering his lips at her.

He walks past you shooting you a wink. "You're always welcome to join us, y/n." He flirts. You look at Vanessa who rolls his eyes at him, her face bright red.

"Sorry you had to see that Y/n." Vanessa looks down, embarrassed to look at you.

"It's okay Vanessa." You chuckle. "I'm just hungry. What do we have in this massive kitchen?" You ask.

Vanessa smiles at you. You'd never judge her, I mean how could you considering you have had numerous men watch you being fucked.

"The others should be back soon. I made Chicken Parmigiana for supper." She smiles at you.

You didn't care how you looked, you were starving, and your number one goal was to eat.

"Go sit, I'll serve you a plate." She orders.

She could hear the loud roar of your tummy. You nod, making your way to the dining table.

Vanessa sets a large plate in front of you, the pasta looks divine. Your eyes wide, mouth drooling, ready to devour every bite.

"Thank you so much Vanessa." You say eagerly.

"You're welcome Y/n, enjoy." She smiles.

Vanessa disappears into the kitchen, you chuckle at catching her and Takeomi, wondering if they're a thing. You continue to enjoy your pasta, scarfing it down. Leaving no time for you to breathe, you've never been this hungry before. The activities you've been taking part of plus sleeping most of the day, left you famished. As you enjoy the meal you can hear all the men that went out coming through the house, they were fucking loud, Sanzu in particular.

"Man, that dude got exactly what he fucking asked for. A bullet straight through his head!" Sanzu yells.

What the fuck!? So, killing people must be in their job description..

"That's what he gets for fucking with Bonten." Ran spits. You can hear others agree.

They all make their way to the dining room.

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