Chapter 50

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What the fuck. Why is he here and where are the others? This can't be good. What is Izana up to... SHIT. This is not good. No, no, I needed more time. I needed more time.

You pace around the outside of the door, trying to calm your mind. This wasn't supposed to happen. Seeing Mikey, here tonight, wasn't part of the plan.

FUCK. What am I going to do? C'mon think! I made it this far, I can't let Izana go free. I need to end him for good, but I need to keep them safe.

The internal struggle inside was festering out of control. Your previous plan went to shit seeing Mikey here. But you knew what you had to do to keep them safe.

"Ahhhh, brother! Long time no see." Izana says dramatically as he and his entourage walk in. Mikey doesn't say a word as he watches Izana carefully. The rest of the Bonten men walk in from an adjacent door, all of them stoic except Sanzu, you could see the pure rage plastered on his face. He was ready to kill Izana right here, right now. They all took a seat. They were weaponless as Izana's men forced them to give up their weapons. With Mikey's approval they gave them over. Mikey was hesitant but he needed to see what Izana was up to and where the fuck he was keeping you. Sanzu thought it was a stupid fucking idea but of course he followed his leader's words.

"Now that we got that out of the way and you're all here. Let's get down to business, shall we? I'm sure you're all wondering why I've brought you here today." Izana declares, a wicked smile plastered on his face. The Bonten men had so many questions, but the one that really lingered on their minds was if you were okay.

"Let's begin." Izana drags a chair from the large conference table and takes a seat, pulling a cigarette out from his suit pocket and lighting it up. The men shift in their seats, wondering what kind of business Izana is referring to. "We thought you were dead," Kakucho blurts. He was still shocked Izana was alive, the reality really sunk in seeing him physically in front of them. Izana rolls his eyes, "Well, obviously not since I'm here in the flesh. But let's not drudge up the past. We're here for another reason."

"How the hell do you expect us not to bring up the past when we know the only reason you took her was to spite us." Everyone's eyes drift to Mikey who finally speaks up. "Brother, finally you speak." Izana teases, taking the lit cigarette and setting it between his lips. He dismisses what Mikey said, "Let's get straight to the point. I brought you all here today to make a deal with you."

"What's this deal you speak of?" Takeomi queries, sitting up straight to see what Izana had in mind. "I want you to join my new gang, Neo-Tenji. I want you to rule under me. If you accept, I'll spare all your lives. If you decline. Well, I think you know what will happen." Izana lets out a soft chuckle as his words echo through the Bonten men's ears. Sanzu clenches his fists, ready to raise hell, "Fuck off! As if we'd ever accept an offer from you."

"I had a feeling you'd feel that way. But maybe she can change your mind. Muto bring her in." Izana commands as he drops his cigarette, using his foot to put it out. Muto nods, walking out. The Bonten men shift, all of them sitting up straight now as they watch the other entrance.

"Let's go." Muto says as he approaches you. You take in a deep breath, straightening your stance. You follow Muto. 

You know what you need to do.

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