Chapter 48

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Meanwhile, Kisaki watched from around the corner, seeing the devilish look that was plastered on your face, "I know what you're up to... cunning bitch." he whispers to himself. You sit at the dining table waiting for Izana to arrive with your guys' meal. As you wait, you see someone approaching. You immediately put on a fake smile thinking it was Izana but the smile falls once you see it's Kisaki. "What do you want?" you hiss, not even caring if Kisaki does anything, knowing Izana would probably scold him for it now. You watch as Kisaki takes a seat in front of you, his face firm as he glares at you. He lets out an unamused chuckle, "I know what you're up to, whore." You freeze, holding your breath as you let what Kisaki says ring through your ears, exhaling the breath once the words set in, "I don't know what you're talking about." you say in a confident tone, furrowing your brows in fake confusion.

Kisaki scoffs, "Please. You know exactly what I am talking about."..."Stop the fucking act, I see right through your bullshit!" he barks. You give him an evil grin as your eyes lower, "Do you now?" you tease. "Hmm, it seems your boss has fallen for it." you growl, leaning your elbows onto the table, resting your chin on the palm of your hand. Kisaki's lips fall and eyes widen when he hears your confession, glaring immediately after. Before he could say anything, Izana walks in from the kitchen. You don a wide smile as he walks over. "What's going on over here?" he says. "Nothing, just having light conversation." you smile, Kisaki still glaring at you. Izana sets the plates down, sitting in the chair next to you. "Kisaki, go get some drinks." Izana orders. Kisaki huffs as he gets up aggressively, the chair behind him screeching. If you could only hear all the things he was calling you in his mind. Izana turns to you, giving you a wholesome smile, "Thank you Izana, this looks delicious." giving him a gentle bow. He bows in return, "You're welcome sweetie. Now, eat up before it gets cold." you nod and begin eating, humming in contentment at the surprisingly delicious food. Kisaki returns with two sparkling waters, setting them down, bowing before exiting. He grins sadistically as he walks away.

You and Izana enjoy your meals and drinks. "So, y/n. The others and I have somewhere we need to go. We'll be about an hour or so." he says. You go to reply, but immediately stop. Your stomach begins to rumble uncontrollably, making atrocious noises. Your eyes widen as you hold your stomach, "Y/n are you okay?" Izana says. You nod your head 'no' slowly, "Bathroom?" you mutter. Izana points to the hallway, "Down the hall, first door on the left." You waste no time, making a run for it.


You hastily sit on the toilet, seeing your life flash before your eyes. You freeze once you realize what's going on.


You huff as you finish up, your stomach cramping into oblivion now. Trying so hard not to throw up your dinner. You wash your hands and splash cold water on your green face, before returning to the dining room. "Y/n?" Izana calls as he watches your sick state, "You don't look so good." he says as he runs to you swiftly, guiding you over to a dining chair, he squats beside you. "I hope my food didn't make you sick..." Izana stammers. "No, I think it may be a stomach bug." you lie, knowing damn well Kisaki did this to you. The sweat drips off your forehead now as the cramps worsen. You groan in agony as you lay your head against Izana's shoulder, shaking it back and forth. "Here." Izana whispers, swooping you up in his arms. He walks you to his room, setting you gently on his bed. He grabs a rag from his bathroom, wetting it before placing it on your forehead to cool you down. "Thank you." you stammer, curled up as you clutch your stomach. He tucks the soaked hair from your sweat behind your ear. "You're welcome, beautiful." he says softly. "I have to go now, I'll have Kisaki go grab some medicine. Stay put and don't try anything funny. I'll be watching." He says, knowing what he meant by he'll be watching. You groan and nod. Izana plants a soft kiss on your forehead as he exits. You roll over, closing your eyes, hoping the pain will go away. While trying to make the pain stop you end up falling asleep.

"Here!" Kisaki says sharply as he throws the medicine onto the bed, waking you. You groan as you rub your sleepy eyes, scowling once you see Kisaki. You feel a bit better after you sleep off the stomach pain, but you crawl to the bag to see what he got. Relief when you see some unopened stomach pills and a water bottle as your tummy is still a bit uneasy. You take two pills and the unopened water bottle, gulping them down, sighing as you wipe the water trail off your lips. Kisaki just stands at the edge of the bed, his angry eyes frozen on you. You knit your brows as you watch him just standing there, "Can I help you?" you snap.

Kisaki just stands there quietly though you could see the steam radiating off him, his eyes low and angry. He lets out an irritated sigh, "I know what you're up to, bitch." he finally lets out. You take a minute to think of what to say, your eyes subtly glancing over to the camera in the corner of the ceiling. You smirk internally while your face dons a somber look. 

Time to put on a show.

"Kisaki... I-I don't know what you're talking about." you stammer. He rolls his eyes, grabbing you by the collar of your shirt, pulling you close, "You know exactly what I'm talking about, stop playing games." he retorts. "Kisaki, please, let me go!" you shout just enough for the camera to hear you, trying to pry his hands off of you. Kisaki pulls you to the edge of the bed, you stand as he forces you off it, "Ow, Kisaki! What are you doing!?" you yell, though this time it actually hurt, but you stay calm trying to gauge what he was going to do next. You wanted to make sure the plan you had in mind would work.

Kisaki grabs a fistful of hair, jerking your head back aggressively forcing you to fall back on the edge of the bed. He leans in closer, the tip of his nose against yours, you gasp once you feel the cold touch of a barrel pressed against your neck. "KISAKI!" you shout, pretending to be scared, though deep down inside you were actually seething in anger. Kisaki still hasn't spoken a word, a look in his eyes that you've never seen before, thinking it was anger at first but anger glows red, a look you are far too familiar with. This... this look glowed green...


Kisaki cocks the gun, you close your eyes ready for your demise, until you smile internally hearing Izana's voice.

Right on time.

"Kisaki, put the gun down." Izana says in a low, frigid tone. You tilt your head slightly to see Izana standing a few feet behind Kisaki, with his gun drawn. His face was serious though deep inside he was hurting. How could Kisaki put him in this position? Playing chance with his right hand man and the woman he's fallen in love with. Kisaki jerks your head back harshly, "KISAKI, I SAID PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Izana shouts, you flinch hearing his deafening tone. "Don't make me choose." Izana says defeatedly. Kisaki is still silent, his jealous filled eyes burning holes into yours, you can see a glimmer of pain behind the jealousy. You watch as Kisaki's lips begin to move, "I loved him first." he whispers, his finger pulling the trigger, you squint your eyes tight, prepared for your fate.


Your ears ring as you slowly flutter your eyes open, feeling a heavy weight on your body as a warm liquid pools around you. You wipe your face as you come to, looking at your hand as you rub your fingers together, seeing the red tinge of blood. You can't move, gliding your eyes beside your head, realizing it's Kisaki's dead body on you. Izana walks over grabbing Kisaki, flipping him off of you. You can see his purple orbs filled with hurt and despair. "Are you okay?" he asks sorrowfully. You nod while trying to sit up, Izana grabs your hand to help. You stare at Izana as he helps, forcing fake tears out of your eyes once you're upright. As you gaze at Izana, the memory of Mikey saving you from Hanma floods your mind. The similarities of Izana and Mikey were haunting. God, you missed him and the others so much, the fake tears becoming real. Izana scoops you up, sitting you both in a nearby chair. Though you should be happy that step one of your plan was successful, you just couldn't, you were hurting just as bad as Izana was. Your heart aches dreadfully to see the Bonten men. You sob harder, Izana rocks you gently as he rubs your hair, trying to comfort you, "Shh, it's okay baby. I won't let anyone else hurt you." You nuzzle your face into Izana's chest, gripping the front of his shirt between your fingers as you weep.


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