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The blindfolds they wore did nothing to hide their curious stares. The male especially seemed to have been intrigued by the words of the small hovering robots. He was quick to approach [name], offering her a gloved hand and a smile when she looked up at him.

She was hesitant to accept his assistance seeing as the woman, who she assumed to be his partner, attacked her mere moments ago. If it were not for his quick intervention, she was sure she would have been killed without an ounce of hesitation. The woman before her had yet to speak or move from her spot. She only stared at [name] with an expression hidden by her black blindfold.

The male whose hand was still offered out to her radiated a far kinder aura than the woman he stood next to. It could have been due to his openness in showcasing his emotions, [name] was able to tell what the boy felt from just his tone of voice and slight movements of his lips alone, but the woman was harder to read. She spoke steadier and far more coldly than he.

"Sorry about. . . scaring you." Her brows furrowed at the male's choice of words. While it was true that their actions had in fact 'scared' her, it failed to highlight the prominent problem with what they'd done. They tried to kill her. "We thought you were someone els—"

"Are you really human?"

The voice of the once silent woman came as a shock for the [hair color] haired girl and at her question, she faltered. The boy who offered his hand out to her straightened himself after hearing the woman suddenly speak. [name] wasn't sure what to make of the odd question. Wasn't it obvious that she was human? Did she look vastly different from how she looked back then? Her fingers glided along the soft skin of her cheeks in search of something that wasn't supposed to be there.

"2B, you heard what the pod said. . ."

The woman, whose name was an oddity in itself, merely nodded her head at her partner's reiteration as her lips pursed into a thin line. She was thinking, that much [name] could tell. Only a few moments of silence passed, by then [name] lowered her hands back to her chest, clasping them together in nervousness. She knew the white-haired male standing before her was harmless, for the most part, but his partner was someone she was still wary of. She still found herself flinching at the woman's every move.

"Why aren't you on the moon with the rest?"

Her brows furrowed together in confusion. The moon? Why would anyone be there? Most importantly, what did she mean by the 'rest'? [name]'s hands fell to her lap as did her gaze as she continued to ponder over the woman's words. Her memories were still missing and no matter how many seconds passed, she couldn't seem to recall anything. Her brows furrowed and her teeth nibbled on the skin of her bottom lip. If she didn't answer correctly, would they kill her? Was there even a right answer?

She found her position on the floor to be uncomfortable, but she couldn't bring herself to get up only due to her the caution she still felt around the other two. She slowly shook her head at the woman's words, her gaze lifting to timidly meet theirs. "Wha- What are you talking about?"

The two glanced towards each other; seemingly participating in a silent conversation she had no way of deciphering. She looked between them, her confusion only growing deeper at their lack of an answer. [name] hurriedly picked herself up from the ground, ignoring the stinging sensation radiating from her knees and the crimson stains that bled through the dark material of her pants. The noise of gravel falling to the asphalt below her feet caught '2B' and the unknown male's attention.

They returned their gazes back to her, somewhat surprised to see her no longer cowering away like she was moments ago. Her lips were pulled into a slight frown as she peered down at her bleeding hands, a hiss leaving her lips when she gently blew on her open cuts in an attempt to rid her wounds of debris.

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