.𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞

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The sight of the forest was almost as breathtaking as the city. Though it stunned [name] in a different way than the city did. Where she felt nothing but a longing for something no longer there when it came to the city ruins, she felt only awe in sight of the sea of green.

Compared to the city, the forest felt so much more open. Here, the sound of nature overtook everything else as did the sight of trees, though she didn't mind it as much as she might have thought. The sounds of chirping birds, trees gently swaying with the breeze, and the rush of water. It was all a relief she never knew she needed.

"[Name], do you like it here?"

Her eyes, which were curiously roaming about the expanse of the forest before her, directed towards her side where 9S stood. He looked down at her with a smile on his face that matched her own. She doesn't hesitate to nod, her attention returning back to the trees.

"I do. I like it better here than the city, I think." She says it so plainly that 9S can't help but take that as her genuine feelings. While she continues glancing about in place, he steps a bit closer to her. "Though it would be better if 2B weren't so busy fighting all those machines."

Just as she finishes her thought, 9S quickly pulls her to his side as a detached limb of a machine is flung in their direction. 2B stands just a bit further ahead of them, her boot slamming down to crush a spherical head beneath her heel. When the coast is clear she joins back with the two of them looking unaffected by her one-sided fight.

"I was sure we cleared most of them out of here before bringing you along. . ." 9S sheepishly offers.

"Seems we missed one or two." 2B chimes in as she claps the dust off her hands. "It won't be a problem though. It's not much to take care of."

At the sound of her confident assurance, [name]'s eyes sparkle with a look of wonder. "So I won't have to go back to camp, right?"

2B doesn't answer immediately. Her lips pursed in thought for a moment and her fingers tapped against her arms that were crossed over her chest. She looks as if she were contemplating the question and that alone made [name]'s heart sink.

"Hm. I suppose it's fine." She finally answers and smiles lightly when she hears [name] breathe a sigh of relief. "For now at least. Once it gets too dangerous, we're taking you back."

She walks away after that, leaving [name] and 9S behind. They spare each other a glance, [name] looked sullen at 2B's response while 9S gently placed his hand around her arm to guide her in following after 2B.

At his partner's side once more, he prods her for more. "You don't really mean that, do you 2B?"

He knew it was redundant to ask her once more, mainly because she was quite the stubborn android. Once she's made up her mind on something, there was little room for her to budge in her decision. After meeting [name], her stubbornness only became more apparent. If anything looked to be far too dangerous for their human companion 2B was always the first to be against it. Even allowing her to step out of the camp for a stroll around the forest was akin to pulling teeth.

[name]'s fatigue with staying in one place for too long was taking its toll on her. She no longer looked as happy as she was weeks ago and was often found idling around the edge of camp. It was obvious to pretty much every android who interacted with her, including 9S. Well, everyone except 2B. For her, the only thing she cared about was [name]'s safety and the camp was the safest place she could be. Whether it be out of ignorance of humans and their fickle emotions or blatant negligence, 2B didn't seem to notice [name]'s change in demeanor. Maybe for her, such things didn't matter as long as it hadn't intruded on [name]'s safety. Either way, 9S deemed his partner to be incapable of taking care of [name]'s mental wellbeing.

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