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The thought of his human creators often brought a feeling of longing to settle deep within his empty chest. It felt so very foreign to him, his hands hovering over the place where his heart should be, but feeling nothing in response to his touch.

The wonder of it all struck 9S with profound curiosity, one that he wished to expose to its fullest extent and leave no detail undiscovered. The human girl who stood before him now looked no different from any other female android model. In fact, if it weren't for his pod alarming him of her species during their first meeting, he wouldn't have ever guessed she were human.

It took him little time to realize how different she was from them. She was terribly weak and hurt by the tiniest of things. He believed if he were to take his eyes off her for even a second, she'd shatter into a million pieces. It filled him with a sense of unease when she walked beside him and he'd find himself jumping to catch her when she'd slightly lose her footing on uneven ground. He didn't understand how humans were able to live like this; with the threat of death looming over their heads at a moment's notice.

Her fragility was among the first things he noticed made a clear distinction between humans and androids. The second was the seemingly infinite range of emotions she possessed.

Despite it not being in their design, many of his fellow androids; including himself, often picked them up during the course of their life. Most of it was mimicry, the act of seeing emotions in play and the attempt of replicating them. There was a clear difference between their imitation of emotion and the real thing that occurred so naturally for humans.

There's a bout of envy that passes through him in regards to the wonders the girl unknowingly retained. Did she ever think about the many expressions she pulled in the little time she's met them? Did those passing emotions mean anything to her or was it just a fleeting sensation that went ignored?

All of it only made his interest in her grow deeper. It made him wonder what life was like when humans were able to roam the earth without the threat of machines or aliens. It didn't matter how much old-world information he gathered, it would never amount to anything the human girl knew. She, unlike him or any android, was a person who lived through the old world. She knew what it was like before the machines, before their creation, and before humanity was forced into hiding.

She held all the answers to his pressing inquisition, he'd only need to ask.

At the sound of a hiss of pain, his attention returned back to the scene before him. 2B is kneeling before the seated figure of the human girl he's come to know as [name]. Behind them, and next to him, is Anemone. She watches with an interest that echoes his own, her dark brows are pulled into a tight-knit and her arms are crossed over her chest. Her gaze never once wavers from the sight before the two of them, with each grimace seen on the human's face, Anemone mirrors it.

In 2B's hand lies a bottle of disinfectant. Its use was originally for reusable android parts that would need to be cleaned before being put to use, but now it served as antiseptic for [name]'s injuries. None of the androids within the camp really knew what to do with a bleeding human for obvious reasons, yet there were apparently two who did.

The set of twin androids, aptly named Devola and Popola, were not in the same room as 9S and the others. In fact, he hadn't once seen them as Anemone was the one to deliver the bandages and disinfectant with written instructions on what to do. She then handed the items off to 2B, who insisted on being the one to do it, and informed them of the twins' help.

When the disinfectant was finally put away, there was a collective sigh of relief that passed through everyone's lips. 2B gently began to wrap white bandages around [name]'s scraped knees and hands. Even from where 9S was standing, he could see that his partner was using as much delicacy as she could muster. There was undoubtedly worry of harming [name] further that drove her sudden onset of tenderness. For as long as 9S had known 2B, gentle wasn't in her nature.

"How did she even end up getting injured?"

The question was said in a low tone in order to not draw the attention of the two before them. Anemone leaned closer to 9S, her voice slightly muffled due to the collar of her green cloak that the lower half of her face was buried in.

His attention flickers away from the human and towards the android who stands next to him. He regards her with a small smile, one he offers to any android whether they are with YoRHa or not.

"We mistook her for someone else," He sheepishly admits, watching as Anemone's brow inquisitively rises. "2B fired and it must have clipped her. . ."

The brunette hums, leaning away from him as she nods her head. "You're lucky you didn't kill her. Humans aren't like us. They don't have replaceable parts."

He's well aware of such a thing, it's apparent from the red liquid that can be seen seeping through the fresh bandages wrapped around [name]'s knees. He understands how easily her life could be ended and how they could do nothing about it when they knew so little about humans. That fact alone created a deep-seated fear to plant itself in the depths of his mind, an urge to assure she would never come to face harm.

"Thank you,"

His ears perk at the sound of her soft tone and when he returns his gaze towards her, he could see her [eye color] eyes flickering between himself, 2B, and Anemone. On her delicate features, she holds a soft smile.

"I might still be processing everything, but I'm still grateful for everything you three have done for me so far." Pink colors her cheeks and her gaze flickers down to her fidgeting hands. "I'm glad you and 9S were the ones to find me, I don't know what would have happened if it were anyone else."

2B rises to her feet, her own lips pulling into a rare smile that even 9S had yet to see. Despite the silver-haired woman being the one who was so much against the showcase of emotion, he finds that it's hard to fault her for seemingly cracking in that resolve.

It was hard not to return the smile of a human who spoke with such soft sincerity. He felt even his own lips lift in response, chest filling with an unidentified warmth. His gloved hand ghosted over the area, his brows slightly creasing as he wondered whether this was the same sensation humans would feel when they were content with something.

Happiness? Was that what they called it?

He didn't understand any of the things he was feeling. The names of such emotions continued to bewilder him, but he was slowly finding himself becoming familiar with them. His concealed gaze returned back to the sight 2B and [name] conversing with each other, Anemone now standing next to them as her head bobbed along with whatever was being said.

Since the arrival of the human, he found himself confused by many things. The emotions and various sensations swirling around inside of him felt so utterly puzzling, yet they invigorated him with unimaginable wonder. He desired to learn more, feel more and he knew he could obtain that just by staying at [name]'s side.

It was a concept he didn't find himself having a problem with and from the looks of it, neither did 2B.

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