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The news of a human's arrival into the resistance camp sparked a feeling of overwhelming curiosity in many of the android residents. Among them, a set of identical twin androids named Devola and Popola were not exempt from the wandering thoughts they had of their newest visitor. They could not deny themselves of the wonder they felt at the prospect of meeting a human in the flesh, yet they decided against ever approaching the room the female human slept away in.

The feeling of residual guilt lingering heavily on their shoulders was not in any way new to the red-haired twins. They've dealt with the burden of their unknown sin for the longest of time and with heavy hearts, they averted their gaze away from the door that would lead them to the source of every android's curiosity. They by no means deserved to be anywhere close within her vicinity and the warning gazes of their fellow androids had only attested to that.

Despite the years of living alongside the resistance camp members, they seemed to have still held distrust in the twins. Their past sins couldn't have gone so easily forgotten, no matter how much Devola and Popola wished they did. Anemone was the only one to have seen past the mistakes of their models and understood the residual guilt that built up in both twins far outweighed any insult or harm that was given to them by those who still resented them. She, too, lived with a feeling of remorse; though it couldn't compare to the shame the twins endlessly endured.

She knew that these twins in particular were not to blame for the near-extinction of humanity, but the others did not. As long as the other androids still faulted the twins for the past actions of not them, but their previous models, then they'd never allow either of them to get near the human.

To Anemone, the saddest part was that the twins would do nothing to refute the choice forcefully made for them.


With aqua-colored eyes, Devola and Popola stared longingly ahead at the lone door that led directly towards the human they've heard so much about. There was a feeling of giddiness that fluttered within their chests just at the knowledge that their past mistake hadn't completely eliminated the hope of humanity. The girl, who they later came to find out was named [name], was the one who'd unknowingly assure them of that.

Anemone stood directly beside their idle figures, her expression neutral and eyes focused solely on the twins. The two were nervous, apprehensive, but most of all; excited. For days they've kept their distance away from the human and the room she resided in, only catching the glimpses of her when she departed from the camp alongside 2B and 9S. Anemone wasn't blind to the treatment the twins endured from the other resistance members. She knew of the threatening words some have passed on the redheads to stay far away from the human and despite her assurances to the twins that they were free to meet the human at any moment, the two of them always refused.

Whether that was because of their fear of the other resistance members or if they did it out of their own volition, Anemone didn't know. All that mattered now was that they were willing to meet with the human after being informed of the girl's interest in the mysterious twin androids who inexplicably knew how to treat human wounds.

Although their vast knowledge did interest Anemone, she was far more concerned with their sudden change of heart and judging from their own expressions; so were they. The twins glanced at each other, thin brows knitted and hands conjoined as if the comfort of each other was the only thing keeping them grounded in reality. Their lips were pursed and to Anemone, they were the epitome of anxiousness.

". . . Are we really doing this?"

The soft voice of Popola aptly took Anemone out of her thoughts and for a moment she regarded the twins with a glance through the side of her eye. The cover of her hood gave her the appearance of not eavesdropping, though she was close enough to hear every whispered word that was exchanged between the identical androids. Her fingers tapped against the side of her arm, green eyes roving across the open clearing located in the middle of the camp. The glare that hardened on her features was a silent warning to any of the resistance members who dared to even glance at the three of them with any kind of disdain. Though the twins were far from ever forgiving themselves, it was still a step forward to meet one of the very humans they once believed to have almost wiped out. Anemone wouldn't allow this chance to slip through her fingers, not when she was sure [name] could possibly be their only comfort.

Salvation | nier: automata reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now