+ cardboard (7)

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A/N - It's so nice to see that this ff received 2.6k views! It was unexpected since I had randomly started this story 2 years back. Hope to see its growth overtime!


The three of them reached the grocery store, and the drive was horribly awkward. Mentally, she hoped that they would start some sort of conversation since Chaeyoung couldn't think of one way to break the ice. However, from her peripheral vision, she can see Jimin scrolling through his instagram, and Taehyung was smiling on his phone, typing away. 

I guess they didn't care enough to talk. Whatever.

It didn't help that Chaeyoung was an awkward girl herself, who had trouble socializing with new people. She was fine around the people she's grown up with or known for a few years. But for some strange reason, talking to new people now, especially those who were very different from her, was uncomfortable.

She couldn't pinpoint the reason why. But she had one assumption - intimidation. Precaution of the unknown. Talking to men who were talkative felt like she was talking to the devil. She felt insecure, and the feeling was so frustrating. UGH!

I don't know what they are capable of. 

During the dreadful drive, they had finally reached their destination. 

As the slight bump jolted the car minimally to enter the parking lot, Jimin had immediately put his phone in his pocket. He pointed towards the entrance, "park at that slot over there. It'll save us some walking."

That's where she was planning anyway just to make things easier.

Mhmm, didn't take jimin for being a lazy man. 

"Cha! Finally we're here." Taehyung mindlessly spoke to himself, opening the side door, slamming the car a bit too hard. She jumped in her seat, unbuckling her seatbelt. 

Jeez, it was completely unnecessary to be so aggressive to her poor car. It had feelings too. 

Right before she was about to open the door, jimin openly admitted, "I just want to be clear that I never invited him. He invited himself."  Chaeyoung nodded silently, finally getting out of the car.

Locking the car, she placed her key in the front pocket of her crossbody bag.

She had a mental list prepared to cover the basics. She had a quick opportunity to see how beautifully EMPTY the fridge and cabinets were! 

How often did Jimin even go to the grocery store? Did he ever go to a grocery store? Could he at least cook some basic eggs?

Realizing how nice the apartment was, it was safe to assume that Jimin had a certain amount of wealth. She wouldn't be entirely surprised if he bought takeout all the time, just like how he offered to have pizza the other night on a wednesday night. 

She on the other hand, would've weighed the costs and her health. It was either buying pizza on tuesdays because it was the cheapest or cook to take care of her body.

As the three of them entered the grocery store, Taehyung gasped, looking in awe as if it were an amusement park. "This is a nice place. Definitely beats a convenient store."

What the...?

Jimin let out a visible sigh, walking closely to Chaeyoung. The unexpected close presence, made her casually move slightly away, making Jimin roll his eyes. Jeez, I only bite and bruise when it's begged for on a hot night.

"What are we buying?" Jimin finally asked a question, not realizing the awkwardness in the car. He was too busy liking female pictures on IG. He couldn't move his eyes away from the bikini shots especially.

"A variety of rice, veggies, fruits, eggs, butter, salt, pepper, chicken, beef, turkey, salmon, shrimp, water, milk, coffee, and tea." Chaeyoung listed out, "Is there anything else you had in mind?" 

Jimin nodded his head, "Cereal, there's a part of the store for cleaning detergents, some frozen fries, bread, strawberry jam---"

"How about this," Chaeyoung interrupted, making Jimin raise his eyebrow. Did she just cut him off? Chaeyoung continued to talk, without realizing she came off 'rude'. She just wanted to save time and get the work done-which was shop for essentials.

"I'll get the things I listed. You can also grab a cart, and gather whatever you wanted with Taehyung."

Jimin let out a chuckle, which was more sarcastic. "I didn't come here to go shopping myself." Taehyung was practically useless. He would just walk along, not helping.

 Chaeyoung didn't know what to say. It took a few long seconds before she thought of something, "Well, I didn't ask you to come. You offered." 

Fair point, Jimin just wanted to impress. But, she was being a tad bit difficult and stiff like a cardboard. "I get it. You can shop alone. But you don't want some help to speed up the process with 4 extra hands?"

"It really doesn't matter." Chaeyoung didn't like wasting time, "but I was thinking it would slow things down considering you have other supplies in mind." 

"Have you been to this grocery shop before?" Jimin asked, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.

She shook her head, with a confused expression. "No?"

"Is that a question or--"

"No." Chaeyoung spoke sternly, waiting to see what more Jimin had to say. 

"Well let me explain the structure to you. It's a small store. With me as your guide, we can finish the shopping within 15 minutes. We both know exactly what we want, so that saves time. From the look of your expression, you seem quite impatient. " Chaeyoung felt like she was transparent.

Was she that obvious?

"This store is structured in a way where we can get grains/wheat, veggies, fruit, seasonings, meat/fish, drinks, and house supplies. In that order. Literally we have to walk to each lane from point a to b. You don't have to go jump around."

Jimin happened to know the grocery store well...so how did he manage to not get anything.

"You may be wondering why there was absolutely nothing in the apartment to eat." Chaeyoung hid her expression, wondering how Jimin happened to know her thoughts. Jimin let out a sigh, as if he was about to explain to a child who couldn't follow simple instructions, "I had just moved into the place in the middle of the night the same day you arrived. Plane got delayed. Anyway, I didn't have time to go grocery shopping."

But you had time to drink and party?


"Mhmm, impatient are we."

"The store is going to close in 30 minutes Jimin."

"Let me give you my reasoning first." Little did they realize, that Taehyung was off to the side section where the chips were sold. He was drawn to the ketchup and cheetos options. 

"Hurry." Chaeyoung spoke, the irritation clearly noticeable in her voice.

"I didn't have time. New place. The house is fully furnished but there is no additional plus points for a fully stocked fridge of food with snacks.

"I'm aware of how apartments work." Chaeyoung didn't want to come off as rude, but Jimin really was pushing the buttons. 

"Well.." jimin took a few steps forward, bending down to her eye level, with a smirk, "follow my lead, relax, and we'll get everything sorted in 15 minutes." The tone of his voice was oddly attractive, and what he said was unexpected. Chaeyoung was expecting to be made fun of.

 Before the thoughts could become more 18+, Chaeyoung shook her head. It was in attempts of erasing her memory, and it definitely worked (note the sarcasm).

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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