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Jimin had mentioned he would stay on campus till 10 pm. Chaeyoung wasn't sure why, but she decided to go grocery shopping at 7 pm. Maybe Jimin had forgotten his offer to go grocery shopping with her, although she found it kind of odd, considering she just met him.

Overall, she wasn't used to going grocery shopping with anyone. She had lived with roommates in the past, but they always bought enough food for themselves, despite living under the same roof. 

Her stomach was beginning to growl, and she came to realize, there was no point in 'waiting' for Jimin. She had to cook food after buying groceries as well. 

She wanted to save money and not buy anything for dinner again. They had already bought a pizza last night. 

Chaeyoung walked to her room to get her shoulder bag purse. Placing her mini wallet with her credit card into her purse, she grabbed her car keys to drive over to a market that was about 25 minutes away from home. 

She hated carrying all grocery bags herself, but she was used to it after basically doing it from the moment she was allowed to go out on her own and buy groceries as practice, which soon became a part of her independet life.

She was grateful for her parents, for  letting her learn to live independently, knowing that she would leave home for college. 

Her skills from high school helped her adapt well into uni. She was already a master chef by 18, and had other independent qualities. 

Chaeyoung had walked back to the living room, when she heard the front door being unlocked. Her senses heightened, not expecting anyone to unlock the door. Jimin didn't invite any visitors right, who had access to the house key?

OH no...

The door was now unlocked, opening to reveal Jimin and another man who seemed like he was the same age. She raised her eyebrow, seeing Jimin laugh and just throw his backpack on the ground. 

Oh god, he was one of those kids? Well, adult in this case! 

She absolutely hated it when people just threw things on the ground, keeping the place disorganized. Her younger brother and older sister were surprisingly like that. The moment they came home from school as kids, they would just kick their shoes off, drop their coat by the entrance, and casually place their backpack on the expensive leather couch. Just hang the coat, place the shoes on the shoe rack, and unpack your belongings in your backpack in your room, And PUT THE BACKPACK SOMEWHERE in the room. 

Chaeyoung was a bit of a neat freak, expected things to be well organized. Chaeyoung began to wonder whether if Jimin truly was a messy man. Who knows how his room looked? Chaeyoung never bothered to check, nor did she want to because of privacy. 

Jimin turned to face chaeyoung with wide eyes. "I almost forgot we have grocery shopping plans right? I brought my friend for assistance."

"Uh...okay? I don't think we have to buy a lot since ---"

The new guy in the room interrupted, "damn she's your roommate? She definitely is h---"

"What were you saying?" Jimin cut the guy off, leaving chaeyoung confused. Did jimin talk about her by any chance?

No, that couldn't be. 

"I was trying to say that we don't need a lot of groceries." We don't need three people. "It's fine. I'm sure you're busy, I can go myself." 

"No, I said I would go grocery shopping with you remember?"

"But didn't you say you had to stay on campus till 10?"

"No, i finished what I had to finish earlier."

Well, if you say so...

"Okay." Chaeyoung responded with hesitance. "I was about to leave. We should go?"

"Ya. Are we going in your car?" Jimin looked at Chaeyoung's hand, where she held onto her car keys.  It's almost as if it were a statement, more than a flexible quesiton? Jimin would rather go in Chaeyoung's clean car, then Jimin's nasty ass car with chip crumbs, unwashed gym clothes that he was too lazy to bring up to wash, a blanket for whatever reason. The point is, his tesla was a bit in rough shape. 

Chaeyoung looked at the guy, to which she felt bad for. It almost looked as if he didn't want to be here, but she couldn't tell. 

"Who is this?"

"My friend Taehyung. He's also in Business. Taehyung, this is chaeyoung. She's in pre-med"

Taehyung let out a smile, stepping forward. He as about to reach his hand forward to shake her hand, when Jimin stepped in front of him. "Let's go?" 

This whole situation was a tad bit awkward, but nevertheless, Chaeyoung nodded her head in agreement. 

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