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Utter, complete darkness. Thoughts a bleak void where no voice could pierce, emotions a blank slate that had not seen charcoal for hundreds of years. Eyes that had remained shut for so long barely remembered how to open. 

It was good that there was still the faint remembrance of how to open, for when Däralekk woke up, he couldn't remember much at all. His eyes flicked open, and seemingly everything started working at once. Thoughts poured into his head; what happened? what is this stone all around me? why don't I remember what happened? 

His senses flooded with panic and his arms reached up from where his body lay prone on a cool stone slab. They were met with resistance a few feet above, and his legs and feet uncurled, creaking from disuse. 

He reached for the little nub in his mind that had lain dormant for so long, and once he caught hold of it, he drew it out of it's hiding spot, it being rather reluctant. 

He examined the stone he used to ensconce himself, his eyes closed, and ordered the magical seams he layered upon the lid of this coffin to rip apart. 

He lay there for a few minutes to regain his breath from the sheer amount of energy used and shoved the stone lid away from him. Dust cascaded upon him and he blinked furiously to get it out. 

His eyes took some time to adjust to the sudden burst of light pouring out from the mouth of the cave that he now faced. He ventured to sit up slowly, hoping beyond all hope that his body had not aged as his mind evidently had. 

The musty ruins of Araduthrëa, one of the oldest elven cities, greeted his eyes past the musty cave . He wondered what had happened to make the elves abandon the city, and why they left it in such disarray. 

His hands suddenly gripped the sides of the coffin and his eyes closed as a deluge of memories surged into his mind's eye. 

The world was much younger at this time, presumably but a few hours before he secluded himself. He was wandering through the forest, feigning aimlessness as his sharp eyes quested about for his intended quarry. A long, shimmering sword hung from his gem studded belt carelessly. 

He had become fat and lazy in his stay with the elves, and as such his mind was not as sharply toned as he would have liked in a combat situation. A familiar mind touched that of his, though not with the intent of trading pleasantries. What he presumed to be the elf Bagäl's mind sought to probe his, to twist it's way through his wary defenses and catch ahold of his thoughts. 

His teeth gritted in anger as another presence was felt, taking a different, if less effective, approach at his mind. His sword just about cleaved it's intended sheath in half. His teeth gritted as his two adversaries showed their faces from around the corner of an abandoned outpost. 

He swiftly checked to make sure his wards were in place, for he would need them in order to fend off Galbatorix as he focused on the grey elf, the stronger of the two by far. 

His mind closed itself off savagely as an annoyed shopkeeper slams his doors shut for the night and he focused on the fight before him, on the silver gauntlets that held his mighty sword out. 

Darkness once again consumed Däralekk's mind and he was thrust into the physical world. He laid a hand on his dizzy head, deciding to lay back down when he realized another onslaught of memories was preparing for its eminent barrage. 

Energy continually drained from his body as a frustrated Galbatorix hacked away at his exposed neck; only to find that an invisible barrier deflected it away a few feet before it ever reached him. He continued to focus on Bagäl's attacks, as he had given up the mental assault for the time being. 

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