The Place of Meeting

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Would you like to see through my eyes, as you told me you have done with Saphira? Fírnen suggested to Arya.

The Ramr River was now in sight, visible only as a small blue line that ran from one end of their vision to the other. It truly was a magnificent sight, visible even from so far away. They had gone about halfway from Bullridge to Illirea, and had not spoken a word since the villagers sent them off with a wave and a shout.

She accepted his invitation gratefully. She had been coming up in her mind with ways to spend the long hours of flight in a more comfortable way, things they could both do to keep their minds off the rolling landscape.

She detached herself from her own body, making sure she was holding on tightly to the spike in front of her in case she was not fast enough to retreat from his mind and gain control of her body again. Her senses were all of a sudden not hers. It almost felt like being drunk; where you thought you could control your own actions, but that was rarely ever the case.

She felt a mouth breathing that was not hers, great wings beating at the air gracefully, her sight misleading her to believe that they were attached to her own shoulders.

Her sight was altered as well, greens standing out as no picture could capture. His eyes were amber, and so he also saw some tints of red and orange more so than she, not to mention the acute sharpness of his eyes and the commanding range of vision he commanded across the wide horizons.

You must be able to see so many things I can't. Saphira does not even see so far out like you do. It is truly wondrous to be able to see through your eyes. Everything remotely green is flooded with light and stands out like a beacon, Arya said in wonder.

Fírnen, curious to see what she looked like when she was in this state, craned his neck backwards so they could both see. Her eyes seemed blank and lifeless. Her body swayed with the wind like there was nothing in control, but her boot straps kept her from falling. Her arms fell loosely around her sides, but to him, she was as beautiful as ever.

Blues and greens suffused back into the scenery around her as she retreated from his eyes and was once again able to control her own body. She blinked a few times almost as if to initiate the response and cast her gaze out towards where they were headed.

Thank you for that, she told him sincerely.

I was happy that you were able to see through my eyes, and to share with you the beauty I see in this world you have brought me into, he replied.

They both turned towards the elven city of Illirea, restored as it was to the former glory it held among the hearts of all the races of (put the accent mark things here) Alagaesia, towering once more over the countryside like a caring mother in place of the abusive father it had become during Galbatorix's rule.

Fírnen slid underneath the wind currents he had previously been gliding across and tilted his wings downwards slightly. They were fast approaching the Ramr River and could now make out the large diverts from the river that ran to nearby towns and to Illirea itself.

Arya reached out towards a small puffy cloud and parted it as they flew past. She felt happier than she had in a long time, she felt. Yes, very happy indeed, and mainly because of your sudden appearance into my life, she told Fírnen.

The cloud disappeared into a multitude of tiny fragments, all floating away at once and shimmering in the pale yellow (opalescence? something like that) of the sky. Her hair flapped behind her like a flag in the wind, and she paid it no heed; for she was happier than she had felt in a very long time, and she would not let small petty things get the best of her.

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