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Harrison soon found it hard to breathe, he knew David didn't mean to make him uncomfortable but too many thoughts surfaced in his mind. he had never felt cared about or listened to before, and the new revolution only sunk him farther into the whole he had dug himself. he felt unworthy. with that more salty tears started to flow from his face, drenching the sheets before him in haunting stains. his vision blurred and his heart beat in his ears, but that didn't stop him. he fumbled around in his pre-unpacked bag. the moss green backpack laid horizontally, it's straps slightly hanging off the beige cot, in perfect reaching distance from where Harrison was sitting. he rummaged around in the bag slowly revealing a shiny sliver compact pocket knife. he flipped it up, hands shaking. he looked at it for a minute, staring at himself in the metal reflection. he looked a mess. hairs a stray, puffy red eyes, small dark plum coloured circles forming underneath his eyes. the revolution didn't last long, he rolled up the sleeves of his mustard yellow shirt. he used to keep the rolled up but the scared at littered his wrist would be too much for anyone, so he kept them hidden.

with the knife softly placed on his pale skin, he took a deep breath, not in fear, after all he knew it would make him feel better. in one swift motion he pushed, with all the rage and sadness and hurt he'd been carrying around, he sliced. with in seconds the newly caused wound began to fill with blood, but the cut couldn't contain it. the crimson liquid poured out of it, just like the the feelings and thoughts from Harrison's mind. unlike the blood, his tears ceased. looking at what he had just done, the corners of his lips turned upright in a slight, only a slight, tinge. he kept going. slice after slice, drip after drop, until his whole arm was numb. that numbness in turn numbed his mind.

after wrapping his newly thrashed writs with his homemade first-aid kit, he pulled down his sleeves again. hoping the snow-white bandages wouldn't bleed through followed David's orders and walked to dinner.

as he pulled up to the dining hall, he took a long pause, playing through everything that could go wrong in his mind. he tried to forget about it by taking a deep breath, but who was he kidding the nerves would always be there. taunting him. he opened the doors as quietly as possible, hoping he could just sneak in. to his dismay, his planned failed. everything of went silent in a matter of seconds, and he could feel the ice cold stares of his camp mates. he sat alone that dinner. most of the tables were already at full occupation. david was too busy filling in and obviously bored and annoyed gwen on his future "fun activities" to notice. harrison sat and started at his food, it made him nauseous, he'd never been the best with eating. making his own food became a hassle, so he learned to just not eat, he didn't even mind if most of the time, he liked the pain. to his happiness, dinner shorty ended.

back at his tent he slowly crawled into his cot, preston the opposite side of him. he knew he had to change, but he could wait, the lamp was still illuminating his partial "home". "goodnight" preston spoke, which spooked Harrison a bit, but he returned the favour. "...night" he spoke quietly, and with that the light turned off. now was his chance, he slowly removed his pants and undergarments and slipped into sweat-pant shorts (how classy i know, lmao-). next was his shirt, he slowly took it off, it stung a bit as the bandage tugged at his wounds. suddenly there was a click and the lights turned back on. a voice stated in a delirious state, it was preston's of course "my apologies, it seems i need to p—" that's when he noticed it. harrison's heart sank, he didn't know was to say. preston's eyes were set on the white bandage on his wrist. with a quiver and a touch of worry in his voice slowly question "harrison, what happened to your wrist?"...

okay guys here's part 4, well technically 5, but the amount of comments i've gotten wanting another part has made me decide to continue this story!-

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