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oh wow another chapter???? so soon???? yeaa i have like nothing better to do except for like sleeping but eh.

also swears in this chapter!


Soon the pairs split off in the direction of their own tents. Preston and Harrison approached a beaten down and very used tent, no it was not a cabin not at all.

"they except me to sleep in THAT?!" Preston shouted in disbelief "I have standards you know, and i really don't want to ruin any of my nice outfits". He had a flair for the dramatic, him being here for theatre camp and all.

Preston groaned and marched into the tent, whacking Harrison in the face with the tent flap that he has just passed through. Harrison fumbled with it and eventually fell into the rugged tent.

"Sorry" Preston said "I'm just a tad upset right now". He said this while looking at the tattered cots that were now their beds for the next three months. Both boys chose their beds and placed their stuff off the cots. Harrison stared down and the green fabric that was being stretched and held up by two poles, 'it couldn't be that bad' he thought to himself.

He was about to lay down when he heard a whistle blow and a familiar voice calling all of the campers outside.

"okay gang" the redhead said "since it's the first day of camp why don't we all introduce ourselves with some fun Icebreakers". Most of the kids groaned with disappointment at this statement. "Cmon it'll be fun, we all say our name and reason why we're at camp! I'll go first, hi I'm David and I'm at camp because I love it here :D".

"yeah we fucking know you won't shut up about it". Said a small angry boy in a blue hoodie. David turned towards the boy.

"Well max would you care to share next then?" He questioned.

Max shrugged "sure anything to shut you up, yo im max im here cause camp is where kids are sent when their parents don't wanna deal with them anymore".

Everyone looked at him in shock. Harrison gulped. He would have to share too wouldn't he, he didn't have the confidence like max to just admit to something like that. Maybe he could just... lie.

Soon everyone had said their name and reasons and that left Harrison last. The magic boy took a deep breath and sigh.

"Hello , i-im Harrison and im here because I enjoy magic and would like to expand my skill". He technically wasn't lying he did love magic.

"Pfft, haha magic?, your magic could never top my magic" a squeaky voice poked through the crowed. A girl stepped forth in a blue cape with plastic elf ears glued to her real ones. "There can only be one magic kid, and besides your magic is probably lame".

Harrison was kinda hurt by this, he had only just said his name and what he was here for, he didn't know how to handle all this.

"you're both magic kids alright?" Gwen chimes in "I don't have enough energy or coffee to deal with any of your fights so please just calm down".

Nerris glared at Harrison with harsh intent as she then trotted away.

Everyone turned to Harrison, their expressions went from confused to even more confused when they saw the boy crying. Harrison hadn't even realized he was crying until he saw all of their faces.

"I-" his voice broke as he ran back to his cabin, he just wanted to be accepted, he just wanted to be noticed but not in that way never that way. he just wanted to be happy.

David looked at Gwen with sympathetic eyes.

"Ok fine go I'll watch over the other campers" Gwen sighed. And with that David dashed off in the direction of Harrison's tent.


again if y'all have any feed back at all id love to hear it :) !

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