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here's another chapter, cuz this is what I'm doing instead of going outside lol.


As David approached the tent he could hear the muffled sobs of the boy inside. He slowly moved the fabric apart and peeked his head in. There he saw Harrison, knees pulled close to his chest with his arms wrapped around them. David felt pity for the poor boy.

"Harrison..." his voice said with sympathy. The boy didn't respond. David fully entered the tent and sat down next to Harrison on the broken cot (he was certain it would break with both their weight but that wasn't the concern at the moment). Harrison flinched a bit when he heard the older male sitting down. David noticed. An uncomfortable silence fell over the two until David decided to speak again.

"Harrison... do you want to talk?" Harrison looked up at then redhead eyes puffy and red. He wiped the rest of his tears away. David felt terribly sorry for the boy.

"I-I'm sorry" Harrison's said weakly. David look at him with confusion. He moved his hand, attempting to place it, comfortingly, on the boys shoulder but failing miserably as Harrison flinched and backed more into the corner. Harrison then dropped it head back to his knees. Minutes pasted buy and David took this as a sign to give the boy a bit of space.

"Ok kiddo I'll see you at dinner" David said as he stood up and walked away from the bed. He took one last glance at boy before exiting the tent all together.


here's a really short chapter I'm sorry i haven't posted in a while some things came up

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