confrontation pt. 2

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harrison's veins turned to ice and goose bumps littered his skin. preston stared at him shock and realization grew in his expression.

"......uhhhhhh" harrison grasped for words, "it's nothing......" he finished, choking on his words.

preston stared with determination, eyes narrowing, concern falling upon his face. to harrison's surprise preston got out of his cot and willfully walked over to his. he sat down slowly not to startled the obviously frighten boy. they sat there in a moment of intense silence, preston not so secretly eyeing the bandage. the awkward tension finally broke when his voice like a dagger sliced through it.

"would you wish to converse about it?" preston always had a slight flourish to his words.

"...maybe later..." harrison stated meekly.

"a-okay with me, take your long awaited time" preston positively repsonded, but the seriousness shone through.

with that last piece of confrontation, he gently wrapped his arms around the smaller boy. harrison wouldn't lie, as much as he was terrified, he was filled with appreciation.
he slowly relaxed into the taller boys arms. they stayed that way, for a moment, only a moment. when they recoiled, preston gave him one last look of desperation before leaving the other boys cot. they restated their good nights and the once illuminated tent was crossed and sent back into darkness.

i'm sorry guys. i'm lowkey really drunk right now but, here's another part!-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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