Chapter 19: New ninja aboard!

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Jin's POV

It's been a few days since my home was rebuilt, and now I've been able to live peacefully. Well, at least for some time. I received an envelope from Tsunade. It must be urgent.

I opened it and it read:


We have received some info from the Anbu Black Ops that the Kazekage has been kidnapped. The Akatsuki must have something to do with it.

Be careful,


The Akatsuki. I remember what those bastards did to me. They tortured me.... beat me..... all sorts of shit that I regret remembering.


I was in chains. A man stood in front of me with a spiked club. He hit my face, and knocked a few teeth out. I spat blood at his feet, and looked at him. He wore the typical Akatsuki apparel, and kept his blonde hair in a ponytail. He sneered, and said

"You got blood on my shoes. You'll pay for that!!"

*End of Flashback*

I looked towards my right shoulder. A two inch scar displayed in that spot. I winced, remembering the impact of the weapon. I put my hand over it, and was able to calm myself down.

"Jin....." Kage said, appearing beside me as a black dragon.

"Pain will be coming to the village in a few days. You must train yourself for the hardest fight yet." After he said that, Shura appeared as well, and said "Yes. I agree with him as well. Pain is very powerful. The Kekkei Genkai Dojutsu he possesses is The Rennegan. A very powerful ocular jutsu, which would render your Dragon's Sight useless." She said, concerned.

"Not my Dragon's Vision. My Dojutsu will be able to defend you from his Rennegan." Kage said, confidently.

"Are you sure it's safe?" Shura asked him, worried.

"If I do not teach him, Pain will surely kill him. I have to." After he said that, they disappeared.

I sat down, and wondered 'Will I survive a fight against Pain?'

"Jin..... Go to your room. Kage and I will train you to use The Dragons Vision Dojutsu." She vanished, and I did as told. I was just about to take a step, when I heard someone say "So you think you can fight Pain?" I spun around, and scanned the room. I can't sense anybody. I heard a thump at the top of the stairs.

I looked up, and saw a man. He wore a mask, with swirls, and wore the familiar outfit of the Akatsuki.

I clenched my fists, and growled. I furrowed my eyebrows, and glared at him.

"Ah, a Senju I see." I jumped at him, and tried to scratch him, but he moved sideways, and jumped over me.

When I turned around, he grabbed me, and threw me out of the door.

"Agh!" I yelled, as I slid a few feet.

He jumped a few feet away from me, and chuckled. "If you can't fight me, you can't fight Pain." I growled, and felt the curse mark burning my skin.

"Damnit! Not now!" I growled, feeling my teeth grow.

'Fight it, Jin! Fight it!' Shura called.

'"NOO!! GAAAAHHH!!!!" I felt my right shoulder crack, as a spike ripped through the bandage and armour. Another spike came out of my elbows, and knuckles. All 19 of them. (Yes, a person has 4 knuckles on each finger, and three on the thumb) One of the worst things was that the spikes fused with the armour, and that an eyeball appeared on my palm. A yellow eye, with a black pearl as the pupil, stared at me, looking into my soul.

'Power......power! So much power!' An unfamiliar voice echoed.

'Who are you?!' Kage shouted.

Inside Jin's mind.....

"Who are you?!" Kage shouted.

A shadowed figure stepped forward, and said "I have no name. But many people know me as the 'Curse mark."

Kage growled, and said "You're not allowed here!! You are not supposed to be here!" He growled, again.

"Oh? And you are? What makes you think that you can choose for Jin?"

Kage stayed silent.

"And you. Why are you here?" The figure asked Shura.

"To help Jin of course. Why?"

"Why don't you let Jin take control for a while?" He said, allowing him to pass.

"Jin..... go to the controls."

Jin walked forward, and placed his hands on the keyboard.

Back to reality.....

Jin's POV

My eyes snapped open, as I realized everything that was going on.....

Was I asleep? What happened? Where..

That last thought was interrupted by a kick to my face.

"Aaagh!!" I said, gripping the ground, while skidding a few feet. I looked up, and looked at my attacker.

That apparel..... It makes me angry!!

I charged towards him, and uppercut/scratched his mask.

He was surprised and flew 10 feet away. He landed, clutching his mask.

"Tobi's mask has never been cracked before!!" He shouted, as a piece fell off.

I looked at the one eyehole in his mask....

That colour..... No.... It can't be

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