Chapter 24 Part 2

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Jin's POV

Jun slashed downwards towards me, with bloodlust in her eyes. I dodged to my right, and slashed at her. She jumped back, dodging it as well.

She did a backflip, and landed on a roof. She then showed me a hand motion that meant 'Come here.'

I jumped onto a wall, and pushed myself onto a nearby ledge. I climbed up, and ran towards her. When I tried slashing her, she grabbed my wrist, and flipped me over her shoulder.

"Agh!" I grunted, as I landed flat on my back. She then began twisting my wrist. "Aaaoooww!!!" I shouted. Then I kicked her legs, and she fell off the ledge, losing her grip on my wrist.

I rubbed my wrist, stood up, and looked over the ledge.

She was holding her head, as blood trickled down her face. She stood up, and growled. She then looked up at me, and furrowed he eyebrows. "You will DIE!!!!" She jumped towards me, and slashed my face when I was off guard.

"Damnit!" I said, holding my face. She then, walked slowly towards me, and began chuckling. "Heh heh heh ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA!!" She then smiled evilly at me. "You know why I want to kill you so much?" She asked, giving me an insane look.

"You took everything. The power, the love of our parents, and that armour." She the began walking towards me. "Danzo gave me permission to kill you, if I wanted to." She laughed again.

"Mother and Father loved you so much, didn't they? They even gave their lives for you. And you even managed to get revenge, right?" I remained silent.

"And now, they're both dead. Because of you....Half-breed." My eyes widened, and then I winced. My curse mark....

"Awww, is someone's curse mark reacting to all of this?" She grinned.

She raised her blade, and said "I'm going to enjoy this. HYAAAAA!" She brought the blade down.


"Now, you've done it." Kage said, taking control. She looked up, and saw that the blade has snapped on his shoulder. Black scales could be seen underneath the clothing and armour.

"No...." She picked up the pieces, and said "It shouldn't have broke.. Impossible..."

"Oh, it's possible if its a fake!" Kage kicked her jaw, knocking her out.

"Don't you think that was a little rough?" I was back in control.

'Nah, she'll be alright. I just knocked her out.' He replied.

I looked at her, and spat at her. "She's nothing more than a puppet." I then noticed a few flakes of skin fall off my cheek. They flew through the air. "Damn." I said, and sat down. "I gotta take it easy." I then took the top of the armour off, along with the clothes. Pieces of my skin fell, revealing the muscle underneath. "That's not good."

I took out some bandage from my pouch, and began wrapping my body in bandages.

20 minutes later.....

I just finished wrapping my neck, and tied it into a knot. "I look like a freakin mummy." I muttered. All of a sudden, I felt weak and tired.

I laid back, and felt a familiar chakra...

"Found him! Yuuki, over here!" Saphira...? Yuuki...? So.......tired..........

"Come on! We need to get him treated! He's...." I passed out.

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