Chapter 11: Saphire....

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Jin's POV

Another hour has passed since Saphire's operation. The doctor told me that in a few days that she'll be fully healed. She had a few gashes, and the most serious wound she has is the stab wound she has on her left hip.

"You may go in if you'd like." One of the many nurses said.

"Thank you." I said, standing up.

I opened the door, and walked through. I took at least 15 steps into the room, and am now near Saphire's bed. I looked at her.

Bandages covered her entire torso. A few bandages covered her arms and legs. She also had a bandage wrapped around her forehead. There was also a band aid on her left cheek. I held the other side of her face, and began to stroke her. Her skin is smooth, and a little cold. I lean closely to her face, and kiss her lip.

Yuuki's POV

Jin has been going to the hospital day and night now. He's so worried about her. I'd probably be the same way if something happened to Kakashi...

Anyways, I brought Naruto along with me, considering that he's Narutos best friend. Ever since I rescued Jin, Naruto has been friendly towards him. When I told Naruto about it, he didn't believe me at first.

I told him that I found him along the road.

He believed me when I told him about his wounds.

After a few explanations/lying he believed me.

We just opened the door to the hospital. "Hello, what do you need?" The lady behind the counter asked.

"We're here to visit someone. Her name is Saphire."

"Okay. I'll get someone to take you to the room that she's currently in. All right?"

I nodded, and said "Okay." As she said, another woman came along, and escorted us to the room.

When we arrived at the doorway that lead to his room, the nurse told us

"You'll have to be quiet, right now, the patient is resting." She opened the door, and let us in.

When we entered, I was shocked and surprised at what I'm looking at.

Jin.. He's kissing Saphire....

He must really love her.

"Yuuki-sensei?" Naruto asked. He looked back at Jin, who now stood up straight.

The reason I was shocked, was because of what Jin looked like. He's bone skinny. His cheeks are moist. Probably from crying. He also had a bit of dirt on his skin.

He must've been here for days on end.

"Jin.... Is she...?" I was about to ask, but he cut me off by saying "She's not dead. Just unconscious. She'll be fine. I'm sure of it." After he said that, Saphire began to move. "Where am I? How did I get here? And WHY am I covered in bandages?!!!" She exclaimed. She began to take off the bandages, until Jin tried to stop to stop her. "Your wounds...!"

"I'm fine! Look! See?" She revealed a perfectly healed arm. Amazing.... Are they both like this?

He chuckled. "Just like when we were kids, eh, Saphire?"

She chuckled as well. "Yeah." She smiled at Jin. She took off the rest of the bandages, and stood up. She's the same height as me. Her black hair goes to past her hips. She also has a bit of a bust. Her butt is a little bigger than mine too... Wait, why am I pointing these features out?

Jin's POV

After all these years, Saphire is back in my arms. "I never thought I would see you again.." I said, wrapping my arms around her. "Same here." Saphire said, leaning against my chest.

"Let's go home."

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