Chapter 5: The New Mexico Base

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Chapter 5: The New Mexico Base (can I just say this chapter is 14,078 works long)


Results of poll:

Now can I say first that some people asked for no relationship at all! I was like 'WHAT?' but I suppose that I do understand their reasoning though cause in some fanfics, the relationship makes the assassins all mushy and less awesome.

But let me just state that in this fanfic, despite how much of a big deal I made of it, will not be the relationships. They will be there sure, but both Percy and Harry are BAMFs and that will not change.

I will also state that, sorry to disappoint some people who might have been hoping for smut, but I intend to keep the rating at a T, so there will be NO EXPLICIT CONTENT IN THIS FANFIC (well in the sexual way).

The result was...*drum roll please* SLASH! Harry/Percy

Another reason why there will be no explicit scenes is because the poll WAS SO VERY CLOSE, 59 people voted slash, 51 people voted het and so I don't want to disappoint all those 51 people by ruining this fanfic that they are enjoying.


(reminder that I only usually reply if you leave an awesomely fantastical review or if you ask a question)

picabone99: That was some beautiful imagery that I thoroughly agree with.

ww1990ww: Holy shit that was some review. My reply feels somewhat...inadequate. Mainly because I wasn't really planning on including any characters from the Marvel comic verse. Just out of interest, how long did that review take you? Cause it was a good 1513 words! Longer than some of my shorter chapters in other fanfics! I feel awful for telling you this after you put so much effort into that amazing review but I don't really plan on introducing many (if any) of the characters/Gods/beings on your list so many many many apologies but many many many thanks for the review. However, I do love your idea that Spiderman ought to be mentored by Percy and Harry. =D

Trouble Cleft: *SPOILERS* Aw thanks, you know, I live for reviews like that! And I was kinda...idk almost disappointed by Blood of Olympus - not because shit didn't happen (CAUSE SHIT DID HAPPEN) - but because...the final battle was rather anticlimactic. Like *they were fighting desperately for their lives...and then the clouds parted and the Gods arrived and vaporised all the giants*...and also cause the fact that none of the main characters actually died... made it kinda unrealistic. I mean I completely understand, Rick Riordan's dilemma and the fact that if any of them had been killed off then the fandom would like simultaneously revolt and protest against it. But like, in PJO The Last Olympian, there were so many deaths that the war felt real. Beckendorf, Micheal (Yew), Silena, Ethan, Luke...But I did CRY AT THE END OF THE BOOK LIKE WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO WITH MY LIFE NOW! And anyway, that was probably a way mere enthusiastic response than you were planning on but I felt like a rant =)

Guest (number idk, the one that gave me a long list of 7 very good reasons why I should choose option 1[unfortunately I didn't]): You are very persuasive, I am seriously considering changing my decisions because of your review. Hmm. Damn, sorry, its just there were even more reviews persuading me to choose the other one. And in response to reason number 7 'If they were together, Fury would blow a gasket and have to be sent across dimensions to Arkham.' ...but that would be funny, ja?

Jilly221: sheepish face* yeah sorry about the typos, I haven't got a beta yet but I'm trying to get the updates out as soon as I can. Hmm...Loki. I can sympathise like he has no business going about being that hot. Idk what he will be like in my fanfic though.

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