Chapter 3: And So It Begins

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Chapter 3: And So It Begins

A/N: *giggles* So...uh...mixed reactions on the wanted relationships in this story. Some desperate for not Harry/Percy slash, others encouraging it. Hmm I had originally planned a Harry/Percy pairing but when I need to decide you guys can vote.

Uh in answer to those questioning how no one noticed them not ageing, no one really noticed and both go them changed a lot in the 10 years and most people just thought they looked young. Neither of them were particularly close to anyone so...yeah.

Wow you guys are actually giving me useful reviews! Thanks to everyone who left one, especially those who prompted how I might find it easier to write the story.

Sorry for not updating in weeks (PenelopeDuchess I think you jinxed it XD [yes, I do have a life thank you, but I love writing stories!])...but I've been in China for weeks! And I couldn't resist putting some Chinese-y things in this chapter.

Le Diablo Blanc, it will be told later on in the story, or possibly this chapter, who exactly Harry is the Master of.

P.s: Sorry if I don't reply to each individual review, but if you leave any questions, I will answer them.

WARNINGS: Death, probably torture, pain, wars, swearing, major plot change, SPOILERS, possibly slash relationships, weapons…rated T for now.

≈Ωne Fandom Is Not Enough≈

Please note, "speech in italics" means talking in another language, in Percy's case, Chinese (Mandarin).

Percy Jackson-

It was on Percy's third mission in China that he heard about the legendary Basilisk.

Harry Potter-

And it was after Harry's first mission back in the British Isles since joining S.H.I.E.L.D that he heard of the fabled Kraken.

Percy Jackson-

What was he doing in China? Fury had been in a pissy mood. Okay maybe Percy had scared of the newbies, but no one had told him that it was their first day. Seriously though, he didn't choose to be their instructor, Fury had put it on his timetable. What did he expect Percy to do? Okay maybe he shouldn't have gone straight to the hardcore stuff, but Fury wanted him to teach. The only thing he thought Percy could teach was weapons, so what else was Percy gonna do?

Now Percy was forbidden from teaching any new teams or agents, but it was probably for the best given how bad he was at censoring the things that came out of his mouth.

It probably also didn't help that there had been a food fight in the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters cafeteria and Percy may or may not had hit Fury in the face with a trifle.

Fury claimed that he was being sent to China to 'broaden his linguistic skills" which bullshit and pretty pointless given that Percy was already fluent in every language thanks to his Godhood. Not that Fury knew of course.

He loosened the green silk tie that hung around his throat, Fury seemed to be deliberately trying to annoy him. He massaged his sore neck, trying to get rid of the reminder of the mission that had finished not 20 minutes ago. He scowled as he walked up to the bar, Fury knew he hated doing fancy parties, trust him to sent Percy on one in straight after a particularly nasty mission (one that Percy was fairly certain that he might not have gotten out of if he hadn't teleported out of the exploding base) in another country.

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