Chapter 8 : Past, Present, Future

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Chapter 8 : Past, Present, Future

Warnings: Y'know, the usual, death, homosexuals, swearing, OCs, SLASH, murder, canon divergence, generally a lot of gayness.

Disclaimer: I (sadly) do not own PJO, HP or The Avengers.

Ωne Fandom Is Not Enough≈


"Italics in speech marks" = singing

Italics = Thought communication or just thoughts (i.e telepathy, Death and Harry...etc) or texts


Percy looked slightly wary. "And how long will I control her for?"

Death looked confused as if the question didn't make sense. The Conquerers of Entities will exist and control them as long as the entities that are bound to them exist.

Percy looked heavily into Harry's eyes, who's own held a huge amount of empathy. Demigods died. Even Gods faded. But it looked like they would be alive together for...forever.

Percy Jackson-

The mission to retrieve Captain America was a lot simpler than expected, what with Harry's Point Me spells and Percy's power of all things watery. Honestly, they didn't even really need the back up team as they could just teleport the Cap back to the base.

But obviously, that was not what had happened and the rest of the team were overwhelmed by their extraordinary, inhumanly fast finding and where all concentrated on preserving the super soldier in a coma-like state. Flying as quickly as possible back the Alaskan Base.

Percy and Harry however, being the childish, immature immortals in charge of the mission were delighting in playing with the legendary circular shield. Percy's initial plan had been 'let's just not tell anyone we found it' which had been a stupid plan and Harry pointed out that it didn't really matter as they were in charge of the mission and could tell the team to shove off if they tried to retrieve it.

Well realistically, it would be more like intimidate them until they conceded to let the two assassins handle it until they reached the base.

The two stood in the rear of the Jet, with Harry's privacy wards up it looked like they were just standing there, guarding the shield when in reality...well...they were...

"What do you think Harry?" Percy snapped his fingers and he was wearing a mock up of the suit that the Cap was wearing whilst holding the shield and looking seriously at Harry.

Harry tapped his lip. "Not quite patriotic enough. You have to look meaningfully into the distance."

Percy obliged, looking gravely out the window as miles of ice flew past.

Harry squinted. "Still something wrong-ah, you're not blond enough."

Percy eyed Harry's mischievous smirk warily. "Easily fixed." Harry shot a colour-changing charm at Percy's hair and it turned golden blond.

"What've you done!" Percy exclaimed as Harry conjured a mirror for him to inspect himself.

The jet touched down and the two infantile celestials where back to being stoic assassins, delivering the shield carefully and with maximum efficiency.

Where's Coulson? I can't wait to see his reaction to this.

*snigger* He'll either have an aneurysm or an orgasm.

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