Chapter 6: The Destroyer (and Darcy)

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Chapter 6: The Destroyer (and Darcy)

WARNINGS: Meh, if you've gotten this far and survived without being too creeped out, you're probably fine. (Y'all homophobic people can get off my story - flames are never appreciated, and really? Grow up you're not gonna survive fan if you're homophobic)

*afterthought* Oh, lots of death, swearing and slash! :)

DISCLAIMER: ? You think I own this?

≈Ωne Fandom Is Not Enough≈

P.S: I've moved my comments to the bottom of the story just because we needed a change

Quick note:

"Italics in speech marks" = singing

Italics = Thought communication or just thoughts (i.e telepathy, Death and Harry...etc)

Death can speak out loud to Percy (because he is a God)and other supernatural beings but it mainly talks only to Harry via thoughts.


Coulson snapped back into his cool, detached persona and watched them leave with a firm nod in not-James' direction.

He turned back to Percy. "Well? Aren't you going to track them?"

Percy smiled enigmatically at him. He knew that he wouldn't need to even watch where they were headed, he would be able to follow the delicious trail of magic left in the wake of the man(magical being?) who was not called James.

Harry Potter-

Erik walked with and chatted excitedly to Harry about the groundbreaking discovery they had just made about the Einstein Rosen Bridge before S.H.I.E.L.D had confiscated their equipment. Harry was still mentally making disbelieving noises at that, he couldn't believe that S.H.I.E.L.D had done that!

Thor walked slightly dejectedly beside the two scientists - having approximately no idea what Erik was on about.

"So where are we going?" he grunted as they came to a lapse in their conversation.

Harry raised a questioning eyebrow at Erik as he was the only one that seemed to know where they were headed.

"At first I thought I needed a strong drink," he responded as they continued to trudge along. "But now, I want to get back to our...hmm...current living arrangements so that I can introduce you to Jane and Darcy, they would be dying to meet you!."

Harry smiled indulgently, really, he was very excited to meet Dr Foster as well as their observant...intern?

"Well...more Jane to be honest, Darcy's more likely to take mugshots of you and then post in on her Facebook." murmured Erik distractedly.

Thor frowned. "Mugshorts? What are these Mugshorts?"

Harry snickered at Thor's confused puppy look."Mugshots Thor."

"Are they dangerous?" he looked slightly alarmed.

"No no, just forget it." sighed Erik as if he'd just realised that he'd successfully taken someone- two people out of a secret service base that he knew next to nothing about. "Actually, I think I do need a drink."

The bar was crowded and stuffy.

Thor, Erik and Harry sat with large glasses of beer at the bar. Thor's sighs were becoming progressively more depressing as they downed more and more alcohol.

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