
119 9 0

2 p.m

MarshmallowLover: TSUUUUUU CHAAANNN!!!!!! :(

WarmSky: What?

MarshmallowLover: Don't be too cold to me!! :(

WarmSky: I'm busy with this damn paperwork! My sweet guardians cause more problems that can make me die from overwork every day :)

MarshmallowLover: Oh-

WarmSky: Faster! If Reborn sees me texting you and not doing this paperwork he will torture me with all his training

MarshmallowLover: I would like to borrow a room in your Mansion!

WarmSky: Huh? Why?

MarshmallowLover: To hide all my marshmallows from Yuni chan :D She wanted to throw away all my marshmallows because I had exceeded the limit she gave me

WarmSky: Limit?

MarshmallowLover: She gave me a limit to eat marshmallows :'(

WarmSky: Oh, sure. Use room number 15 because people rarely go to that room :)

MarshmallowLover: Oh yeah, don't tell Yuni about this. Including all my other marshmallows hideouts. You already know where I hid the marshmallows, right Tsu chan?

WarmSky: Ok

MarshmallowLover: Yess!!! You're the best!!!!

WarmSky: Hahahaha, sure :)

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