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Many footsteps could be heard heading towards the door of the room where Byakuran was. Suddenly eight people burst into the room with worried faces.

"Where's Sawada?!"

"Is Boss okay?"


"Hayato calm down. Anyway, is Tsuna okay?"

"Tsuna nii!!!!" cried Lambo

"Shut up. Omnivore won't die just because of that wound. He's stronger than you all."

"Kufufufufu ..... this time I agree with you. I will not forgive Tsunayoshi if he dies."

"Shut up!" shouted Reborn. He looked at Byakuran. "Where's Tsuna?"

Byakuran just remained silent. His face clearly showed that he had just finished crying. When they saw Byakuran who just remained silent, it made them feel like their hearts were shattered.

In their minds there was only one thing, 'This is not a good sign......'

"I- I'm sorry......we should have realized this earlier ....." said Byakuran.

"No......." Chrome covers her eyes with her hands. Mukuro immediately hugged her and stopped the girl from crying.

"N-no..... Juudaime......"

"Ahaha..... this is a lie ... isn't it? Stop teasing us!" Yamamoto shouted. He looked at Byakuran hoping that Byakuran would say that it was a prank but Byakuran just looked at him with a sad face.

Reborn fell silent. His eyes were covered by a shadow. Hibari's reaction was the same, they couldn't say anything. They were stunned when they heard their beloved sky ....... was gone forever.

Ryohei and Lambo just kept quiet. Their faces looked sad and unable to accept this sad news. Suddenly Yuni entered the room with a confused face.

"Uhmm...... guys?"

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