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Eight people gathered in a meeting room. Their faces were clearly worried about their beloved Sky. They tried to calm down but the atmosphere there was full of tension.

"Tch, that Dame Tsuna. He should have told me if his Hyper Intuition had warned about this mission." Reborn clicked his tongue.

"Reborn! Can't we go find Juudaime?!" Gokudera asked

"He said he will come home soon, we have to wait" said Reborn while covering his eyes using his fedora

"But we don't know whether that omnivore will return alive or not"

"We need to find him!"

"I agree"

"Something is wrong. I'm sure Tsuna nii is in danger now, we need to help him!" shouted Lambo

When Reborn wanted to say something but his cell phone suddenly rang. All eyes were focused on Reborn and hoped that the person who was calling Reborn now was their Sky.

"Ciaossu! Who is this?"

"Uncle! Come to my place quickly, Tsuna is in danger!"

"Yuni! What happened?"

"Byakuran and I ran into Tsuna when he wanted to go home after his mission was over. He said that the road he was supposed to take was closed because of a landslide so he took another road but it was quite far. That's why it took so long for him to get home. He didn't tell you all because he knew Hayato would make a fuss to go to his place."


"We didn't realize that when we were talking, there was a sniper trying to shoot me. Tsuna realized that then he immediately protected me. It happened too fast, we didn't realize that Tsuna was shot because we thought he managed to dodge the shot. After Tsuna protected me, he ordered Byakuran to protect me while he chased the sniper."

Their eyes widened. "What do you mean by that?!" Hayato shouted

"He went after the enemy alone. After half an hour, we wondered why Tsuna still hadn't returned. Byakuran went to look for him and he found Tsuna who was covered in blood and unconscious. Anyway, come here quickly!"

As soon as the phone call ended all of Tsuna's guardians panicked. Mukuro and Hibari tried to act calm, but it was clear on their faces that they were worried about Tsuna.

"Calm down!" shouted Reborn. "We need to go to Yuni's place now!"

With that all the guardians and Reborn rushed to Yuni's place with worried and panicked faces.

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