Far Out

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Bryan had finally finished explaining everything, though he could tell the others didn't completely understand. He himself didn't really understand it all if he was being honest. He hoped that when Colin woke up, he could help shed some light on it all. Maybe he would know where Mitch was...

Bryan glanced over at Jakey, David, and Pat. He knew none of them were all that found or him, which was mostly his own fault since he pushed people away. He was just... just upset about losing his brothers. That didn't make it right. They were good people, and they were all quite smart. He could see how each got into the Garrison. He hopes that maybe one day they could be something similar to friends.

Bryan looked over to his older brother Mario, who was looking at a board hung up the walls with different pictures on it. Next to him, Colin sat unconscious in a chair. He wondered what had happened to him in space. How did he know about Volta? Did he know what Volta was?

Suddenly Colin groaned, moving in the chair. Everyone looked over to him, wondering if he was waking up. Colin's eyes slowly flickered open and he grabbed the sides of the chair he was in with a wince of pain. Pushing himself into a sitting position, he looked around and his eyes widened when he spotted his two brothers in the room, a small lopsided grin appearing on his face.

"Bryan, Mario!" He said excitedly, his voice a little hoarse. He coughed slightly, giving a tiny wince as he moved his arm in front of his mouth. "Where... where are we?" Colin asked, looking around the room of the small house. "Wait, is this..."

"Mom's emergency research station? Yeah, it is. It was the closest place to the Garrison I could find that was hidden from them." Mario said, grabbing a glass of water and handing it to Colin. "I know you just woke up, but I have to ask. What happened on the Charon mission?" He asked as Colin started to drink the water.

"I'm not entirely sure... I remember we were getting some samples when suddenly there was a giant black and purple ship. It shot at us, and these aliens took us inside. They called themselves the Galra, and they asked us where Volta and the lions were. When we couldn't answer them, they dragged us away to cells on the ship. That's the last thing I remember, the rest is blurry." Colin told them, clearly a bit distressed about what happened. "How... how long have I been gone?"

"You and the rest of the Charon mission crew have been gone for a year. The Garrison said you died due to pilot error as soon as you got to the moon." Jakey responded that time. Colin looked over at him and his friends, his eyes somewhat wide. Bryan had nearly forgotten about the Garrison's lie saying that his brothers died, and he assumed the other three had forgotten as well. After all, it hadn't affected them so they had no reason to remember.

"Yeah, I remember that. My cousin had said that he didn't believe it, and that their was communications with the crew for a while after the supposed arrival and death time." Pat said, and Bryan was a bit surprised. He wasn't aware that Pat even had a cousin, much less one that would know about that stuff. 

"You have a cousin?" David asked, Jakey looked just as confused and surprised. Apparently not even Pat's close friends knew about it, so maybe they weren't that close or something. "And why did the Garrison lie about the deaths? This... this all feels off..." The tall noirette questiones, looking out of the window into the dessert at the end.

"I'm not sure, but that's not important right now. If these 'Galra' were asking about Volta, then it must be important. Maybe even more important than we thought before." Mario said, before grabbing a paper with frequency's mapped out and pinning it on the board. "While Bryan was at the Garrison, is started picking up on this strange frequency. It doesn't match anything I've ever seen or heard of, and it seems to be coming from somewhere in this dessert. The problem is, I can't figure out where."

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