Lynxter: Basketball

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This has spoilers on the Dangerous Gift. Also requests open for one-shots, but no Umbli, Foxflake, Kinkter, Clory, Lynxfall, or Turtlewatcher (is that a thing?)

Lynx wasn't good at basketball. It was a surprise to most people; Lynx was good at everything. Well, except basketball. "Lynx!" Snowfall called as she passed the basketball to her best friend. The ball doomed toward her, as Lynx held out her hands to try to catch it. She dropped it by accident. Lynx cursed, something that wasn't like herself. Luckily, the gym teacher didn't notice, but a few kids exchanged surprised looks. Snowfall quickly came up to her and whispered, "Come to my house after school. I can teach you." "Thanks." Lynx replied, grateful for her supportive BFF.


Lynx waited for Snowfall to answer after she rang the white doorbell/ She waited for a moment, then pulled out her white phone, speckled with blue. Lynx didn't like her light brown hair, she hoped to get it dyed when she was older. Lynx texted Snowfall, named BFF in her contacts.

Me: Open the door! I'm waiting.

BFF: Sorry. I forgot I had a dentist appointment.

Me: Could we make another time?

BFF: My idiot cousin is coming to teach you instead.

Me: Winter?

BFF: Yep, he's surprisingly decent. GTG. Have fun on ur date.

Me: It's not a date!

BFF: Whatever. Bye

Me: Bye!

Lynx's heart did a sppy jump-sutter thingy at the thought of spending time with Snowfall's handsome cousin. Stop that, Lynx thought. He still likes Moon. Lynx put away her phone. Immediately, her phone pinged. Lynx pulled it out of her jean pocket. She widened her eyes.

Winter: coming over now

Me: for our date?

Lynx flinched. Bad move.

Winter: haha, MY idiot cousin said that to me too.

Me: :P

"Boo!" someone shouted from behind her. Lynx screamed and immediately did her karate reflex. Lynx pinned someone to the grassy ground and instantly regretted her voice as she stared into her crush's blue eyes. "Heyyyyyy," Winter complained, "last time I checked, I wasn't your enemy." Lynx blushed and responded, "sorry." Winter chuckled. "It's fine. Help me to  repay me," he said. Lynx slipped her hand into his before she could change her mind and helped him up. Her phone vibrated again. She took it out to see Snowfall's text with her other hand.

BFF: Did you guys hold hands yet?

Me: Shut up, girl.

Lynx felt Winter's gaze on her. He was grinning, his eyes on her phone. "What!" Lynx demanded. He gestured toward their entwined hands. Lynx realized with horror she didn't let go yet. Lynx let go to pick up the basketball she brought though part of her wanted to keep holding on.


"You got this!" encouraged Winter as Lynx prepared to take her next shot. She did a lay-up and scored in Snowfall's homemade basket. They were practicing in the back of Snowfall's house. She stood there, panting. "We've only been practicing for an hour," Winter teased and Lynx stuck out her tongue at him. "You did good, but you need more power,"  Winter advised. He began to do a lay-up of his own, but tripped over a rock.

Winter fell onto the ground. Oh no! Lynx rushed to his side, her heart hammering with concern. She let out a breath of relief when she saw that Winter's hands luckily saved him from falling flat on his face. He groaned, flipping over to his back. Lynx took one of Winter's scratched hands in hers, inspecting it. It wasn't serious. "That's how it's done?" Lynx asked, attempting to make him feel better. Winter grinned then got up. "Yeah," he replied, "totally." Lynx giggled.

She transferred her gaze to his hand. "Do you need a bandage?" she asked. "Where though?" Lynx shrugged then grabbed her phone from the tree nearby that she left it in. She removed the case, then dangled a bandage smugly, picked from her sandwiched phone and phone case. "You were saying?" Lynx questioned, smugly. "Oh," said Winter. She put the brown bandages on both of Winter's hands.

"Thanks," he said when she finished. "Thanks for making me feel better," Winter said, "both mentally and emotionally." "Awww, thanks." Lynx smiled. "After Moon rejected me," Winter explained sadly. He stared into her eyes. "Thanks for being a good f-f-friend," he stuttered for an unknown reason. "You too." His gaze traveled to their hands. Winter removed his hand from Lynx's. Dang it! "Sorry," she murmured sheepishly. "I don't mind." "What?!" Lynx asked, clueless where he was going. "Never mind," he whispered slyly. Huh.

"Anyway," Winter said, "let's wrestle." Lynx frowned. "That's not basketball!" Lynx protested, while Winter dragged her to the grassy area. "I want to see how bad you are," Winter teased. "We'll see!" exclaimed Lynx as she talked Winter gently to the ground. She was scared she was going to hurt him. Winter snorted, his minty breath filling her nose. He rolled to the left, resulting in Winter as the dominant one at the top.

"Don't go easy on me," Winter grinned, standing over her, his arms beside her torso. Lynx huffed. She swept Winter's legs from underneath him with her's. "Who's losing now?" she crowed, now on top of Winter. Lynx caught her breath as Winter stared at her.

"I-I wanted to thank you for being a good f-friend to me," he said. Lynx smacked his arm playfully. "I mean it. This practice really made me feel like there was someone else that um....." Winter trailed off. "SomeonethatmademefeellovedafterMoonrejectedmeandchoseQibli," he admitted in a rush. Lynx's heart melted into a puddle. "I love you too," Lynx said, "after Frost.. You know."

Winter looked into her eyes and smiled. He pulled her shirt toward him, connecting their lips into a kiss. Lynx closed her eyes as Winter's hands tangled into her hair. A moment later a familiar voice shouted, "Ewwww, get a room!" Winter and Lynx broke apart. Snowfall stood there, a disgusted look on her face. Lynx laughed. "Also," Winter said, "wanna go on a real date?"

Lynx grinned, the thousand time she grinned that day. "Sure!" she said, tackling Winter in a hug. "I told you it was a date!" Snowfall exclaimed, a I -told -you -so look on her face. Lynx blushed.

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