Blicket: Locker

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Blue was running for his life. He didn't know where he was going. But he knew his one goal was to RUN AWAY from the Hivewing guards. The blue-haired boy shoved the school doors open. Quietly as he could, Blue continued sprinting and turned a corner into a hallway with a bunch of blue lockers. Maybe I could hide in one of these, Blue thought hopefully.

"Hey!" someone whispered-shouted. "Over here!" Startled, Blue whipped his head around to stare at a beaten up locker. A hand beckoned to him. "Come on!" (she?) the stranger whispered. "Hurry!"

Heavy steps sounded at the school entrance, "Why is this door left open?" a controlled Hivewing voice asked in Wasp's voice. Blue felt a cold dread overcome him. He forgot to close the stupid door! A cackle followed the last remark. "I know you're in there, Flamesilk!" Blue shuddered. He didn't know whether to trust this stranger or not, but obviously, there was no choice. The Hivewing guards were coming.

The beaten-up locker opened a crack and Blue strode toward it. He slipped inside and shut the door behind him. "Where-" he started. "Shhhhhhhh," the stranger shushed him and placed her hand on his mouth. Blue smelled apple-scented hand sanitizer. After a moment, the stranger let go.

Uncomfortably, Blue realized that the locker was too small for two, Both of their backs were pressed up against the sides of their locker, and Blue could literally feel her somehow, calm heartbeat.

By accident, he leaned forward, trying to get some space and his nose bumped against the stranger's nose, their lips brushing for a fraction of a second.

"Sorry!" he squeaked, deeply embarrassed. Blue could feel his cheeks reddening. "Uh, it's okay," the girl murmured, her voice embarrassed as well. He can't believe his first kiss was with a random Silkwing! Luna is going to tease me forever, he thought.

She quickly opened a latch on the wall of the locker. Footsteps filled the hallway. Blue's heart stopped. They were coming! "This way," the girl said calmly, as if nothing was happening at the moment. The stranger took his hand and tugged him with her into the mystery hole of the latch. She closed the latch and crawled forward.

Blue followed her, trying not to make a single noise that could alert the Hivewings to their hiding place. He wondered who the stranger was. Is she a student at this school? Was she scared like him? Did she rescue people like him?

Whoever she was, this stranger was very nice to rescue someone like him, endangering herself, he decided. I trust her, he thought surprisingly.

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