Turtlejou: History Between Us

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Kinkajou did an exciting tapping thing with her feet when she was soooo excited for a life-changing event. Mr. Webs was about to announce the partners for the history project. "I want you to present a critical event on a poster," Mr. Webs had explained. "With an assigned partner." Kinkajou had zoned out on boring Mr. Webs (:3), thinking about who she wanted to work with. History usually was VERY. BORING. FALL- ASLEEP BORING. BUTSINCEWEAREDOINGITINPARTNERSIT'SNOT! She let out a random squee out of no where. Mr. Webs looked up from finding the paper with partners on it. He gave her a confused/amused look. Kinkajou filled with pleasure as everyone laughed. Turtle grinned at her. Kinkajou grinned right back. She was happy enough to be partners with anyone, but she hoped she got one of these peeps as partners.

Moon! We can get extra BFF time!

Winter! Can't wait to annoy his head off! (:P)

Peril! I generally want to hang out with this exciting person!

Qibli! He has great jokes! It's also funny to see how he acts around Moon. (:D)

Turtle......... I.... I want to hang out with my c-crush.

Kinkajou sighed. She really like-liked Turtle, but it might have been the effects of the solved spell. She'd promised him to see if she felt this way in the future, after defeating the evil Darkstalker. Webs finally found his paper and read the names out loud. "Moon and Qibli." Qibli brightened. He too didn't like history. The sandy-haired boy grinned at Moon. She gave him a shy smile in return. Winter frowned. "Winter and Lynx," Webs read. Lynx stood up from the back, searching for Winter. Her eyes landed on him. Her eye's filled with longing as she watched Winter, who was staring at Moon. Lynx blinked, then got rid of the emotion she called stupid. "Winter is happy," Lynx had told Kinkajou in private. "My emotions are stupid," she'd spat.

Kinkajou felt sympathy toward Lynx as she went to her crush, who didn't see her. Kinkajou frowned deeply. "Winter!" Kinkajou yelled. Startled, Winter turned from watching Qibli flirt with Moon and saw Lynx. "Hi," he said awkwardly. "Hey Winter," Lynx mumbled. "Peril and Coconut." Peril wrinkled her forehead. Coconut was boring; not the best partner but not the worst. "Tamarin and Thrush. Anemone and Ostrich. Kinkajou and..." Webs paused dramatically. Kinkajou held her breath. "Turtle." She let out an embarrassing whoop of joy. Turtle laughed, as he strode over to her, as Mr. Webs said the rest of the names. "Discuss when to meet with your partner," Mr. Webs advised. "You'll probably need more time to work on the project. This is due in two weeks." Turtle fiddled with his bracelet, nervously for obvious reasons. He liked her. She liked him back, but it wasn't as simple as that. It might be the after-effects of the spell, she thought. "Wanna meet after school?" Kinkajou blurted. "Sure," Turtle replied, "I would love too." Kinkajou flinched at the word 'love'. "Sorry," he apologized. "It's fine," Kinkajou murmured sheepishly.


Turtle's pov:

Turtle waited for Kink in the library. Perhaps he should head home. He let out a deep sigh. "SHHHH!!" Starflight shushed Turtle. Turtle rolled his eyes. Fatespeaker talks louder than I do. Hesitantly, Turtle got up from his table and walked over to Peril's table in the corner of the library. "Hey," greeted his best friend. She looked around. "Have you seen Coco-" Peril started. "TURTLE!!!!" Kinkajou called, as she skipped into the library. "Shhhhh!!!" Starflight said again. Kink laughed. Turtle waved good-bye to Peril and hurried to the table he reserved for them. "Sorry I'm late," Kink panted. "I JUST had to watch Grumpy wimp out with Lynx!" "Winter?" Turtle asked with a grin. Wait, doesn't Winter like Moon? They both pulled out the chairs and settled in them.

"SOOOOOOOO," Kink asaid, twirling a piece of pink hair around her finger. Starflight opened his mouth as if he were to say something, then gave up. Everyone knew nobody could shut up Kink. Well, maybe Glory. "What event should we do?" she asked. ".....Maybe the Dragonet Prophecy?" he suggested. "No, you can't," Anemone said from across the room. "Why?!" Kink demanded. "We're doing the Dragonet Prophecy," she coldly explained. Kink stuck out her tongue at Turtle's sister. "It's fine," Turtle reassured her, as she scowled. He couldn't help wondering why he thought her scowls looked anything but adorable. Pike nodded. "The princess comes first," Pike haughtily said. Turtle started stuttering. "We c-could do........" He trailed off. "Maybe we should go to the history section," Kink suggested. Turtle started toward the history shelves of the library, Kinkajou following him.

Peril's pov:

Peril silently followed after Turtle and his crush. Peril giggled silently. They didn't even notice! When the pair turned into the section of the boring history shelves, Peril went behind one of the shelves and shoved books aside so she could spy on her best friend and Kinkajou. Like she was looking through a window. Kinkajou walked straight into a random chair blocking the way and fell backwards. Turtle, who was beside her, held out his green-sleeved arms and caught Kinkajou, bridal style. The red-haired girl bit back a snort/giggle/sneeze. Poor future Turtle was going to suffer embarrassment when she teased him about it.

Kinkajou's pov:

Kinkajou and Turtle caught their breath as they stared into each other's eyes. Awkwardly, Kinkajou stood out of Turtle arms. She was such a klutz! Turtle probably didn't love her anymore. I care that he loves me, Kinkajou realized. She took a deep and shuddering breath and turned to the red-faced Turtle. He widened his eyes at her. "Why are you staring-" He was cut off, as Kinkajou shoved him gently against the shelf of books. He turned the colour of strawberries again. "Why-" he started. Kinkajou ignored him and pressed her lips to his for a moment. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" someone squealed, sounding like a bubbly Kinkajou.  The pair broke apart to face a smug Peril, appearing from behind the shelf. "HA!" Peril exclaimed smugly. "I knew you would-" Turtle put his hand over his best friend's mouth. "Shut UP," Turtle grumbled in embarrassment. Peril giggled like a manic. "I KNEW YOU WOULD KISS!" Starflight ran over to them. "SHHHHHHHH!" They all laughed. 

Sorry that was..... really weird. *giggles*

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