Old Friends

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Y/N L/N is the son of Maria L/N, a founding Avenger. After defeating AIM alongside the reformed team, he has embraced his destiny as....

The Legendary

You bit down on your pencil as you waited for Kamala to finish her homework. Yours was already done and put away, but you were growing inpatient.

You tapped your foot as you sat at the table across from Kamala. She wasn't taking her time or anything. She just wasn't as fast as you were.

You didn't blame her. You were smarter than the average high school student. Hell, you could've probably graduated ages ago.

But here you are. Slowly dying of boredom.

You ended up coming back to Jersey City late last night. After having dinner with the Fantastic Four, you ended up staying a bit later to show Franklin and Valerie what they had missed over the last few years.

So weird that you were now their age. They used to be older by five whole years.

Now you were the older one. Ha!


You were only older than Valerie and it was only by a few months.


That means that you, Franklin, Valerie, and Kamala were all the same age group. Hey, maybe you can make a Young Avengers team.
Nah. Sounds boring.

Kamala: I'm almost done. We can do something after.

Y/N: Okay.

You just rested your chin on your fist as Kamala tried to wrap up her history homework.

Y/N: You know, I could just...

Kamala: I'm not letting you do my homework for me.

But it would be so much faster.

Hailey: Leave your girlfriend alone. Let her work.

You looked over to where your sister was watching TV. Steve had left for some mission to check out some thing for someone to do something to prevent....

Yeah, you didn't really care to ask.

Besides, this story is called the Legendary Leviathan. Not the Captain America Book.

Stay in your lane, old man!

You just groaned and laid your head on the table. However, your phone suddenly went off which made you lift your head. You looked to see who it was with your eye, which still creeped Kamala out, only to see that it was an unknown number.

You pulled out your phone and answered it. If this was about a ransom then you wanted it to be over as soon as possible.

Y/N: Look, I'm broke so you can honestly just be the dude who killed Captain America. I'll let the masses deal with.....

???: Y/N?

You immediately froze up at the voice.

Kamala and Hailey noticed and stared at you as you sat there. Your face looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Kamala couldn't even tell if you were breathing or not.

Kamala: Y/N...

You stood up and immediately left the room. Kamala was left confused. Her and Hailey looked at each other.

You closed the door to your room and took a deep breath.

???: Hello? Y/N?

Y/N: y-yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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The Legendary Leviathan (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now