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*Y/n POV*

I lay in the hospital bed, lying on my right side to stare out the window. The sun just finished coming up, so the boldly white room is completely lit up and the normal cool temperature is fading with the blaring heat of the sun.

I've laid awake since I got the news, I just finished crying a few minutes ago, but it still doesn't feel real. My body's automatic reaction was to go numb.

Every time a doctor or Jack have come in, I haven't been able to say a word. What am I supposed to say? I lost him because some asshole can't drive.

The door of my hospital room clicks open and I let out an inaudible sigh. I just want to be alone, I want the world to swallow me whole just for a few minutes of peace.

"Hey Y/n"

I stare at the few clouds in the sky and wonder. I've never been a big believer in heaven or hell but I like to believe he's in a better place. I hope he's happy and being well taken care of. I hope he's doing the things he loved and he's getting all the things he's ever wanted

"How are you?" Keri comes into view, resting a light hand on my knee.

I look up at her for a second, seeing her red puffy eyes. She looks like she only stopped crying, just so she could walk in here. She's trying to be strong for me, and I appreciate it, but I can't look at her. The longer I look at her, I want to break down all over again.

"Jeff and I have had to fight Daniel from coming in here to see you. He hurt his foot so he's not allowed to be on it, and I figured you'd want to be alone"

Alone.. I'm surrounded by so much love and support that I shouldn't feel alone, but I do. You'll never understand this pain and regret until you lose someone you love in an unexpected death.

"I'm taking Theo back home with me, Jack, for whatever reason, said he's taking Harper home with him. He put up a fight but I said it was okay if he checked in with me every once and a while. I hope that's okay?" Keri's voice is soft as she speaks to me through heartbreak. Everyone is feeling it and all I can do is blink.

Keri said goodbye after she kissed my temple. As I hear the door click closed, the tears immediately come flooding right back.

A nurse walks in placing a tray of breakfast onto the table beside my bed. She writes down a few things into a binder at the end of my bed before she leaves without saying a word.

I'm not hungry, the smell of the food is making me nauseous. I sit up in the bed, just to push the food away.

As I'm about to lay back down, I hear fast clicks hit the tiled floor outside my room, before soft yelling.

"I don't care! That's my wife!" Daniel.

The sound of his voice creates an over flow of emotions. I don't think I can face him, does he blame himself? I can't blame him, but for some reason, I blame myself.

Daniel bursts into the room on a pair of crutches and his foot in a black boot cast. His eyes are red and puffy, making it obvious that he was crying too. He's back in the clothes he wore yesterday while I'm still sitting in a hospital gown, not wanting to move.

Daniel rushes as fast as his crutches will let him over to my bed. He drops them onto the floor, quickly sitting down beside me and pulling me into his embrace.

"I'm so sorry" Daniel chokes out as we both seem to erupt into a heavy set of tears, holding each other tightly

"You promised" I try to take a deep breath
but I can't take back my words. I know I shouldn't have said that because I don't want Daniel thinking it's his fault

"I know, I'm so fucking sorry. This is all my fault" Daniel holds me tighter

Daniel leans us both back into my small hospital bed. I lay with my head on his chest and myself cuddled into his side.

We lay in silence, apart from our cries, until there's a soft knock on the door.

"Come in" Daniel sits up, wiping his tear filled eyes onto the back of his hand as two police officers walk in.

"Oh, you're both here. I need your statements for the report, if that's okay" The officer looks from me to Daniel

"Uh, Y/n hit her head as soon as the car hit us, so she won't know much, but I can tell my side of the story"

I gulp loudly as the reality of the situation hit. Daniel was awake the whole time, he knows what happened, he dealt with it when I couldn't.

"Y/n pointed out the car coming towards us, too fast. It ended up sliding and hitting my side of the car instead of the car head on. I think we rolled, I don't quite remember. When we stopped moving I was checking to make sure everyone was okay. I couldn't check Hunter, he was directly behind me and my foot was stuck. I-"Daniel takes a break, taking a deep breath, trying to keep his emotions at bay.

"I couldn't hear him. I tried, I promise I tried"

I lay in the hospital bed beside Daniel as he sat talking with the officers. I drowned out their voices with the sounds of my sobs into the pillow. Daniel places a hand on my back to try to sooth me, but nothing could work now.

"I'm sorry for your loss" The officers leave without another word and Daniel lays back down beside me.

"The doctor said we can leave whenever you're ready. Do you want to go home?" Daniel asks is a soft tone

I nod my head and sit up in bed. Daniel undoes the hospital gown tie, leaving me in my bra and underwear. Daniel takes off his hoodie and places it over my head and helps me put my arms through. He helps me slide on my shorts and he puts my sandals on my feet, all while hobbling on one foot.

Daniel grabs his crutches and we slowly leave the hospital room. I walk behind Daniel to the front desk, keeping my head low. I don't want anymore attention.

"You two just have to sign yourselves out" A nurse calls out from the front desk

"I got it" Daniel kisses my head and signs us out.

When Daniel gets back, he sighs and starts walking out of the hospital. I follow behind him, clutching onto Daniels black hoodie, keeping my hands in the long sleeves.

"Jonah came to pick us up" I pick up my head up, seeing Jonah leaning on his Audi in the front of the hospital.

"Hey guys" Jonah greets lightly as he opens the back door for me.

I give him a small smile as I climb into the back seat, laying across the seats. Jonah closes the door and starts taking to Daniel outside the car. I don't try to listen in, I already know what they're talking about.


I pull up the hood of the sweater over my head and pull it low enough to cover my eyes as Jonah and Daniel get into the car. I feel someone's eyes on me but I don't dare look. I can't handle looking into someone's eyes right now.

"So, how'd your foot end up in a boot?" Jonah asks as I feel the car start to move

"My foot got trapped in between the door and my seat" You can tell Daniel isn't comfortable talking about this stuff, especially with me in the car

"You got lucky man"

"I'd much rather I be dead right now" Daniel whispers but I hear it.

I place my hand, covered by sweater, over my mouth to muffle the sobs that are just about to leave my lips. The tears come back and I break down again. Daniel would've rather died than Hunter, I would've rather die than Hunter. I don't want to think of Daniel dying. Hell, I don't want to think of Hunter dying, but that's my reality.

He was 9 months old. His life was just beginning, I'd do anything to bring him back and have death take me instead.

That's My Baby: Season ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now