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Woah! The title is not what it looks like. This is a 2p!Canada x Chubby!Reader. Not 2p!England. It was requested by @cheshireneko247

Dank gou for reading!


"Love, do you want a Cupcake?"

"Yes! I do!" I took the cupcake and almost put it in my mouth.

"____! You're gonna eat that? You're gonna put that in your mouth? Do you know why that's gonna do to your body? Have some self respect!" Allen yelled, mimicking Gabriel Iglesias.

"Shut up Al!" I yelled looking down. I had always been kind of chubby, and Allen has always been watching what I eat. He's trying to help me, but its not working. My weight doesn't seem to be going down. He's looking out for me like a big brother would. I gave the cupcake back to Oliver, getting up and walking to my room.

"____! You thought that was funny as shit though, right?" Al yelled from down the hall.

"Yeah! I guess." I laughed a fake laugh. I closed my door and waited for dinner.

(Time Skip brought to you by Bulimia)

There was a knock at my door, so I stood up and walked to it. I opened the door and there stood Matt.

"Time for dinner" He said, bored like. I walked down the hall way, following Matt closely. I came to the kitchen and sat down. Ollie made Lasagna. My only weakness. In about five minutes I scarfed it down. I put my plate in the sink and rushed to the bathroom. I closed the door and knelt before the toilet. I grabbed my toothbrush and shoved it down my throat, gagging heavily.

"____!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Yelled someone. I turned to see Matt standing in the door way. He had a look of pure anger on his face. And worry. His sunglasses were off so I could see his eyes. He had the widest eyes I've ever seen.

"I-I was trying t-to lose w-weight..."


"B-Because I'm f-fat."

"_____... You need to realize something."


"No one gives a fuck about what you weigh! I don't give a fuck about What you weigh! Why do you give a fuck about what you weigh?"

"I don't want to be made fun of at school."

"Who is making fun of you? Whoever it is I'm gonna beat the shit out of them." Matt said hatefully.

"Why do you care so much?"

"BECAUSE YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE WAY YOU ARE, DAMN IT!!" My eyes got really wide at what he said. A blush crept up on my cheek, making my face hot.



"You said I'm beautiful." I stood up from my spot and walked over to him.

"Yeah, I guess I did. Um...well this is-" I leaned in and shut him up with a kiss. He kissed back eagerly. Roughly. Too rough. I pulled away.

"I love you, Mattie."

"I love you too, ____. An don't call me that."




I feel like that was too short.

Was it?

Welp I hope I did it right.

Did I?

This is my first one so don't judge.


Well that's all I have to say.


2p Hetalia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now